1. A Seemingly Impossible Mission – He would be called “Jesus” (v. 31)
2. A Seemingly Impossible Description – He will be Great (v. 32)
3. A Seemingly Impossible Position – Son of the Most High (v. 32)
4. A Seemingly Impossible Kingdom – Eternal (vv. 32-33)
5. A Seemingly Impossible Conception – Miraculous (vv. 34-35)
6. A Seemingly Impossible Nature – The Holy Child (v. 35)
7. A Seemingly Impossible Father – Son of God (v. 35)
Ten Old Testament Messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus:
- Messiah would be born of a woman and crush the serpent’s head – Genesis 3:15; John 12:31
- Messiah would be Abraham’s seed and bless all nations – Gen. 22:18; Matt 1:1; Gal. 3:16
- Messiah would be born of a virgin and named Immanuel, God with us – Isaiah 7:14; Matt 1:22-23
- Messiah would be a descendent of David, heir to David’s throne -Jeremiah 23:5-6; Luke 1:31-33
- Messiah would be preceded by a forerunner – Mal. 3:1; Matt. 11:10
- Messiah would be born in Bethlehem – Micah 5:2; Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-6
- Messiah would enter Jerusalem on a donkey – Zech.. 9:9; Matt 21:1-5
- Messiah would have his hands and feet pierced – Psalm 22:16; John 20:27
- Messiah would be buried with the rich – Isaiah 53:9; Matt. 27:57-60
- Messiah would rise from the dead – Psalm 16:10; Acts 13:32-35
The mathematical probability of 332 distinct Old Testament prophecies concerning the Messiah being fulfilled in the life of one person is 1 in 84 to the 98th power or 1 in 840,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
The mathematical probability of one person fulfilling just 8 of the over 60 Messianic prophetic events of the Old Testament is 1 in 10 to the 17th power or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 or 1 in 100 quintillion!
For more details about these statistics and the 61 prophetic events foretold of Messiah and fulfilled by Jesus, see the book, “Evidence That Demands A Verdict” Vol. 1 by Josh McDowell, pp. 141-178.
The four c’s of thanksgiving from Psalm 107:
- The call for thanksgiving (vv. 1a, 2a)
- The cause for thanksgiving (vv. 1b, 2b-3)
- The circumstances that prompt thanksgiving (vv. 4-42)
- The contemplation of thanksgiving (v. 43)
The four c’s of thanksgiving from Psalm 107:
- The call for thanksgiving (vv. 1a, 2a)
- The cause for thanksgiving (vv. 1b, 2b-3)
- The circumstances that prompt thanksgiving (vv. 4-42)
- The contemplation of thanksgiving (v. 43)
We will see three truths about Israelite unbelief so that we might grasp the real tragedy of persistent unbelief in the face of gospel truth and so that we might be assured that God’s Word has not failed:
- Paul had great sorrow over Israelite unbelief (vv. 1-2)
- Paul wished that he could be accursed so that unbelieving Israelites might be saved (v. 3)
- Paul highlights the fact that Israelite unbelief persists despite their many spiritual privileges (vv.4-5)
Four assurances of God’s everlasting love for us in Jesus Christ:
- Christ’s love for us is everlasting, infinite, and perfect (v. 35a)
- Hardships are no threat to Christ’s love for us (v. 35b-36)
- Even the most extreme hardships prove Christ’s love by resulting in our triumph (v. 37)
- There is no condition, being, or circumstance that can ever separate us from God’s love for us in Jesus (v. 38-39)
We will see in these verses three irrefutable proofs that God is for us so that we can be assured that, come what may, God is always on our side, working all things toegether for our good:
- The proof that God delivered over His Son for us
- The proof that God has justified us
- The proof that Christ Jesus is our all-sufficient Savior
How “God is for us” in Romans 5-8:
- God is for us by justifying us (5:1)
- God is for us by granting us peace with Him (5:1)
- God is for us by giving us the grace in which we stand (5:2)
- God is for us by saving us from His wrath (5:9,10)
- God is for us by reconciling us to Himself (5:10)
- God is for us by giving us salvation as a free gift (5:15-16)
- God is for us by giving us the gift of righteousness (5:17)
- God is for us by justifying us unto life (5:18)
- God is for us by giving us eternal life (5:21; 6:22, 23)
- God is for us by giving us newness of life (6:4)
- God is for us by freeing us from being slaves to sin (6:6)
- God is for us by making us slaves of righteousness (6:18)
- God is for us by making us His slaves (6:22)
- God is for us by sanctifying us (6:22)
- God is for us by promising to deliver us from the body of this death through Jesus Christ (7:24-25)
- God is for us by declaring no condemnation for us (8:1)
- God is for us by setting us free from the law of sin and death (8:2)
- God is for us by fulfilling the requirements of the law for us (8:4)
- God is for us by giving the Holy Spirit to dwell in us (8:9,11)
- God is for us by giving Christ to dwell in us (8:10)
- God is for us by leading us by the Spirit of God (8:14)
- God is for us by making us sons of God (8:14)
- God is for us by adopting us as His sons (8:15)
- God is for us by giving us the Spirit’s testimony that we are children of God (8:16)
- God is for us by making us His heirs (8:17)
- God is for us by making us fellow-Heirs with Christ (8:17)
- God is for us by glorifying us with Christ (8:17-18)
- God is for us by promising that our future glory will be far greater than our present suffering (8:18)
- God is for us by having the Holy Spirit intercede for us (8:27)
- God is for us by having the Holy Spirit help us in our weakness (8:26)
- God is for us in causing all things to work for our good (8:28)
- God is for us by calling us according to His purpose (8:28)
- God is for us by foreknowing us (8:29)
- God is for us by predestining us (8:29)
- God is for us by conforming us to the image of His Son (8:29)
- God is for us by calling us (8:30)
- God is for us by justifying us (8:30)
- God is for us by glorifying us (8:30)
Five indestructible links in God’s unbreakable chain of redemption.
These links prove that God is indeed causing all things to work together for good to those who are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
- The indestructible link of God’s foreknowing
- The indestructible link of God’s predestining
- The indestructible link of God’s calling
- The indestructible link of God’s justifying
- The indestructible link of God’s glorifying
Four reasons for confident hope in God’s guarantee in Romans 8:28:
- Because of the certainty of God’s guarantee
- Because of the comprehensiveness of God’s guarantee
- Because of the goodness of God’s guarantee
- Because of the recipients of God’s guarantee
Three encouraging features of the Holy Spirit’s ministry to the Christian:
- The Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness (v. 26a)
- The Holy Spirit overcomes our weakness by interceding for us (v. 26b)
- The Holy Spirit’s intercession for us is always according to God’s will (v. 27)