Congregational Singing
No Other Savior
Welcome & Call to Worship
Psalm 47:1-9
Congregational Singing
Reign Above It All
Lead Me To The Cross
New City Catechism
Question 19: Is there any way to escape punishment and be brought back into God’s favor?
Answer 19: Yes, God reconciles us to himself by a Redeemer.
Kingdom Prayer
Kingdom: Bambara Peoples
Church: Parents of Redeemer
People: Madison Heller
Congregational Singing
I Give You My Heart
Dedication of Redemption Groups
Come Meet Jesus in the Wilderness
Mark 1:1-13
There is no sanitized hospital delivery room nor even a mention of a dirty stable, just the wilderness.
Mark has a point to make as he begins his gospel narrative – The Servant of God has come. He is
on a mission to accomplish what those who had gone before Him could not … not Adam in the
garden, not Moses on the mountain, nor even Israel in the wilderness. The beginning of the story is
all about the beginning of victory over Satan, joy in the Father, and new life in the Spirit. It starts
with a bang, so buckle up.
Come and see the 3 scenes of Jesus’ willing walk into the wilderness for us …
1. The Call of the Wilderness [1:1-8]
The Proclaimed One in the Wilderness
John the Baptizer in the Wilderness
The Mightier One to come in the Wilderness
2. Entering the Wilderness [1:9-11]
Heavens Opened
Spirit Descending
Voice of Delight
3. Victory in the Wilderness [1:12-13]
A Spirit-Driven Journey
A Victory Begun not Won
For Spiritual Conversation: How should we think about our failures considering the success of Jesus?
Where specifically is it hard for you to think that way?
Call to Worship
Romans 8: 31-39
Congregational Singing
God Is For Us
Yes I Will
Prayer of Dedication
Congregational Singing
Speak O Lord
Where God Works: Part 3
Isaiah 55:1-3a
God works where we pursue our joy in Him. “God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him.” This is far more than a bumper sticker John Piper made up, it is at the heart of pursuing Christ. We flee “working to achieve” (Pt 1), we “die to self” (Pt 2), and we run to Him with a heart stirred with delight, joy, and pleasure. There He works for our Joy and for His Glory!
The Path to Invincible Joy …
1. The Joy Killer [Jeremiah 2:12-13]
Forsaken the Fountain
For Lesser Joys
2. The Joy Giver [Isaiah 55:1-3a; John 6:35-37; Isaiah 55:6-13]
Come, Listen, Delight
Come, Believe, Remain
Depend, Trust, Confidence
Personal Testimony
Congregational Singing
Yes I Will
* For Spiritual Conversations – What lesser joys tend to overshadow the Invincible Joy of Jesus in your life?
Congregational Singing
How Great Thou Art
Welcome & Call to Worship
Lamentations 3:19-24
Congregational Singing
Come Thou Fount
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
New City Catechism
Question 18: Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished?
Kingdom Prayer
Kingdom: Pray for Legacy Christian Academy as they begin a new school year. Pray for the building remodeling they are doing to accommodate their high school. Pray for the unity of the administration, staff and faculty. Pray they serve their families well with joy in the Gospel.
Church: Pray for our upcoming 2024-2025 Ministry Year. Pray that the events, programs and services all point people to Christ and demonstrate the love of Jesus to all we reach. Pray for the Grand Opening to capture the vision of the church to all who attend. Pray we have an absolute blast together.
People: Pray for Holly Pacini. Pray for energy and enthusiasm as she jumps back into her job as the Trinity Athletic Director. Pray for her to patiently take one thing at a time and not allow those feelings of getting overwhelmed to creep into her head. Pray for her Gospel witness among unbelievers in her world. Pray for her heart to be refreshed by the Word as she grows in grace.
Congregational Singing
Jesus We Love You
“Where God Works: Part 2”
John 12:20-26
God works to bring spiritual life and power where there is first a death. The death of Christ frees us from the natural self-preservation that loves this life and labors to protect ourselves and our comforts. Yet it is in a daily dying that spiritual power is discovered … and where God works!
Consider the dangerous journey of avoiding death …
1. A Life Committed to Living
A desire to observe
A desire to preserve
2. A Life Committed to Dying
The death of Christ
The death of self
The fruits of death
Congregational Singing
Jesus We Love You
* For Spiritual Conversations – Where do you need to see greater death to self in your life?
Congregational Worship
Great Things
Welcome & Call to Worship
Psalm 85: 4-9
Congregational Worship
Yes and Amen
How Great is Our God
New City Catechism
Question 17: What is idolatry?
Kingdom Prayer
Kingdom: Placenta Bible Church
Church: Redeemer would welcome unbelievers and visitors
People: Jojo Herrera and Emily Spansel
Congregational Singing
Yet Not I but Through Christ in Me
“Where God Works: Part 1”
Mark 4:26-29
Our God does not work in ways men can watch and duplicate. He is not merely a great craftsman
who has honed His skills. His power is not of this world and His works are not explained by human
reason. People need to see power, and they need to know there is more than what they can see. We
alone can show then that. Do you believe?
Consider these three foundational truths to How God Works …
1. A Formula that is Anything but Predictable
2. A Heart that is Anything but Ready
3. A Power that is Unseen and Unstoppable
* For Spiritual Conversations – Which description of “backsliding” convicted you the most?
Welcome & Opening Prayer
Mark Spansel
Joe Keller
Congregational Singing
In Christ Alone
Build My Life
The Role of Members in the Mission of the Church
John Book
Reading of Inaugural Members & Covenanting Ceremony
Shane Critser
Hugh Jackson
Elders: A Plurality of Shepherds to Lead the Church
Will Browning
Commissioning of Elders & Prayer
Will Browning
Charge to Preach the Word
Selby Brannon
Installation fo Pastor Mark & Prayer
Redeemer Elders
Congregational Singing
Speak O Lord
A Community on Mission: Colossians 4:7-18
Christ, who alone could have accomplished the mission of the Father, chose a team to walk with in
life and ministry. How much more then, did the apostle Paul, and do we today need a community to
accomplish the mission of making disciples. The joy outweighs the mess, so jump on in!
In this text we see:
Four principles that fuel a community on mission for the Gospel …
A Community on Mission has …
1. An Ever-Enlarging Capacity for People
2. A Desire for Shared Ministry
3. An Overflowing Appreciation for One Another
4. A Single-Minded Focus & Passion
* For Spiritual Conversations – What is the biggest thing that keeps you from going deeper in
community with others?
The Lord’s Table
Encouragement from CSBC & Prayer
Pete Ramirez
Congregational Singing
Welcome & Call to Worship
Psalm 32:1-7
Congregational Singing
Jesus Paid It All
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
New City Catechism
Question 16: What is sin?
Kingdom Prayer
Kingdom: SCV City Council
Church: Men of Redeemer
People: Visin Family
Redemption Group Announcement
Speak Christ: Colossians 4:2-6
Christ is the center of the mystery of God’s plan for redemption. We must be prayerful for His name
to be declared and ready to declare His name. It is in our persevering-prayer and wisdom-walking
that Christ is honored in our everyday living. Ultimate truth is made clear through the gracious
speaking of God’s people.
In this text we see:
The two ‘oughts’ of speaking Christ …
1. Speaking to God about People [4:2-4]
2. Speaking to People about God [4:5-6]
* For Spiritual Conversations – How do you want to grow in prayerfulness? And how do you plan to
grow in preparation?
Congregational Singing
Amazing Grace (My Chains are Gone)
Congregational Singing
Glorious Day
Welcome & Call to Worship
Genesis 1:26-31
Congregational Singing
New City Catechism
Question 15: Since no one can keep the law, what is its purpose?
Kingdom Prayer
Congregational Singing
Jesus We Love You
Elder Candidate Interview
Mark & Michelle Spansel
Servants of The Servant: Colossians 3:22-4:1
Christ was a faithful servant of the Father. Though He was the Son, He became a slave to free us from slavery and make us sons. Because of the work of the Suffering Servant who gave Himself to make us sons, we are those most free to serve in every situation under any leader. Therefore, both earthly Christian workers and earthly Christian bosses have been set free to be the greatest servants of all.
In this text we see:
The slave and master serve the same Lord, who is The Servant of all …
- The Heart of a Free Servant [3:22-25]
- The Heart of a Free Master [4:1]
* For Spiritual Conversations – Where do you struggle with cutting corners in your work being consistent, diligent, and delightful work as unto the Lord Jesus Christ?
Congregational Singing
Welcome & Call to Worship
Psalm 33:1-9
Congregational Singing
Jesus Messiah
In Christ Alone
New City Catechism
Question 14: “Did God create us to keep his law?”
Kingdom Prayer
Congregational Singing
Jesus We Love You
The Power of a Parent’s Love: Colossians 3:20-21
In Paul’s treatise on the Christian family, he now addresses parents and children. We see two interrelated commands that produce powerful emotional responses – good or bad. A changed heart changes the manner of a father’s leadership … and that changes the whole family.
In this text we see:
Two codes in the family that promote peace and exalt Jesus …
- A Father’s Patience [v21]
- A Child’s Obedience [v20]
* For Spiritual Conversations – Do you feel disheartened and has it hindered your sacrificial obedience? What is the next step?
Congregational Worship
God Is For Us
Welcome & Call to Worship
Psalm 19:1-6
Congregational Worship
Good and Gracious King
Build My Life
New City Catechism
Question 13: Can anyone keep the law of God perfectly?
Kingdom Prayer
Congregational Worship
All Hail King Jesus
Colossians 3:18-19
Congregational Singing
God Is For Us
Welcome & Call to Worship
Psalm 102:25-28
Congregational Singing
How Great Thou Art
He Will Hold Me Fast
New City Catechism
Question 12: What does God require in the ninth and tenth commandments?
Kingdom Prayer
Congregational Singing
Come Thou Fount
Elder Candidate Testimony
Shane and Jennifer Critser
You be THE NEW You: Colossians 3:12-17
If you are a Christian you have been made new! The Bible says you have a new heart, have been regenerated, have the Spirit within you—you have a new identity in Christ. But, just as we live in the already-not-yet kingdom, our experience in the Christian life is already-not-yet. We are free from the condemning power of sin, but not yet free from its presence. Nevertheless, just like clothes, we need to take off the old and put on the new. We need to put on the new way of life that is consistent with our new creation heart. As we do this individually and as a church community we will be exemplary doing everything in the name of Jesus to his glory!
This morning we’ll see that the new creation church community should exemplify:
1. Others-centered character
2. Others-centered peace-making
3. Word-centered teaching and exhortation
4. Christ-centered in everything
* For Spiritual Conversations – Of which of these many spiritual virtues do you need to ask the Lord to help you “put on?” Why do you think you struggle in this area? What are examples of people you’ve seen live this out really well? How can you experience more deeply the gospel truth that Jesus put on your sinful garments to pay the penalty of sin for you, so that you could put on character qualities that reflect his righteousness?