Is Peace Even Possible?
December 1, 2024 / Bailey Christian ChurchMissing Peace
Is Peace Even Possible?
(Isaiah 26:1-4, Philippians 4:6-9, John 14:27)
- What do you most want? need?
- Whether you know it or not, what you really need is !
- What is PERFECT peace?
- Shalom= peace, wholeness, completeness, fullness of peace
- Peace with , others, , in all circumstances
- But Isaiah 26 says, “shalom-shalom”= a portion of peace or perfect peace
- Peace isn’t found in the of problems.
- True peace is found in the of God.
- How do we find this peace?
- The battle for peace begins in our .
- Samak= “to on completely, to fully oneself”
- What’s your mind fixed on?
- Where do we find this peace?
- This is a peace that won’t make sense to those outside of .
- Jesus calms the storm
- 2 storms that day
- One
- One
- 2 storms that day
- Jesus who peace, gives you peace!
- How do we train our minds to be fixed on God so that we can experience this peace?
- It requires ! It is not a -time thing.
- Your will either you or you.
- What habits will help?
- Regular reading
- Putting Scripture to and reciting it
- Praying
- Speaking words of and to God and others
- What habits will help?
It’s the peace of GOD—not the WORLD’S peace.
The world can’t GIVE it—the world can’t TAKE it away!