A Man and His Bible

June 20, 2021   /   Bellevue Baptist Church

A Man and His Bible
Psalm 119:105

  1. How we got the Bible—.
  2. The of the Bible.
    A. Inspiration is not….
         1) inspiration—God dictated it.
         2) inspiration—ideas inspired, not words.
         3) inspiration—only parts are inspired.
         4) inspiration—like any good book.
    B. Inspiration is and .
         1) is inspired. Psalm 119:160
         2) are inspired. Matt. 5:18

  3. What we about the Bible (Baptist Faith and Message, 2000).

  4. about the Bible.
    A. It is . Psalm 19:7a, 119:160
    B. It is . Psalm 19:7b, 93:5
    C. It is . Psalm 19:8a, 119:128
    D. It is . Psalm 19:8b, 12:6
    E. It is . Psalm 19:9b; John 17:17
    F. It is . Psalm 19:9b, 119:138
    G. It is . Psalm 19:10, 119:97
    H. It is . 2 Tim. 3:16
    I. It is . Num. 23:19; Rom. 3:4; Titus 1:2; Heb. 6:18
    J. It is . Psalm 119:105
    K. It is . Matt. 15:1–9
    L. It is . Is. 40:8
    M. It is -centered. John 5:39–40

  5. of the Bible.
    A. It leads us to . 2 Tim. 3:14–15
    B. It helps us to be . 2 Tim. 3:16
    C. It prepares us for . 2 Tim. 3:16–17

  6. the Bible.
    A. it. Rev. 1:3
    B. it. Rom. 10:17
    C. it. 2 Tim. 2:15
    D. it. Psalm 119:11
    E. on it. Jos. 1:8
    F. it. John 15:7
    G. it. Luke 11:27–28; James 1:22
    H. it. Ezra 7:10; Acts 8:35


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