Christ’s Millennial Reign

September 27, 2020   /   Bellevue Baptist Church

  1. Prominent of Christ’s Millennial Reign. 
    Amillennialism—No literal reign after Christ’s return.

    Postmillenialism—”Golden Age” before Christ’s return.

    Premillennialism—1,000-year reign after Christ’s return. 

    A. Jesus will reign His . Rev. 19:11–21

    B. Jesus will rein . Rev. 20:1–3

    C. Jesus will co-reign His . Rev. 20:4–6

    D. Jesus will reign . Rev. 20:7–10

  2. Significant about Christ’s Millennial Reign. 
    A. Jesus will reign from . Psalm 2:6; Is. 2:2–3; Zech. 14:10

    B. Jesus will reign . Dan. 7:13–14

    C. Jesus will reign . Psalm 2:9–12; Rev. 19:15–16

    D. Jesus will reign . Is. 11:1–5

    E. Jesus will reign . Is. 11:6–9

    F. Jesus will reign

        1) A of Eden.

        2) A r of the Great Tribulation. 

        3) A of Heaven. 

        4) A for following Christ. 
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