Who is the Holy Spirit?, Part Two

October 23, 2022   /   Bellevue Baptist Church

Who is the Holy Spirit?, Part Two

Acts 19:1–7

  1. Names of the Holy Spirit.
    1. Spirit of God. Gen. 1:2
    2. Spirit of the Lord. Judg. 3:10
    3. God’s “Good Spirit.” Neh. 9:10; Psalm 143:10
    4. God’s “Holy Spirit.” Psalm 51:11
    5. Spirit of Wisdom. Is. 11:2
    6. Spirit of Understanding. Is. 11:2
    7. Spirit of Counsel. Is. 11:2
    8. Spirit of Might. Is. 11:2
    9. Spirit of Knowledge. Is. 11:2
    10. Spirit of the Fear of the Lord. Is. 11:2
    11. Spirit of Grace. Zech. 12:10
    12. Spirit of Supplication. Zech. 12:10
    13. Holy Spirit. Matt. 1:18
    14. Spirit of God. Matt. 3:16
    15. Spirit. Matt. 4:1
    16. Spirit of Your Father. Matt. 10:20
    17. Spirit of the Lord. Luke 4:18
    18. Spirit of Truth. John 14:17
    19. Spirit of Jesus. Acts 16:7
    20. Spirit of Holiness. Rom. 1:4
    21. Spirit of Life (in Christ Jesus). Rom. 8:2
    22. Spirit of Christ. Rom. 8:9
    23. Spirit of Him Who Raised Jesus from the Dead. Rom. 8:11
    24. Spirit Who Is from God. 1 Cor. 2:12
    25. Spirit of the Living God. 2 Cor. 3:3
    26. Spirit of His (God’s) Son. Gal. 4:6
    27. Holy Spirit of Promise. Eph. 1:13
    28. Holy Spirit of God. Eph. 4:30
    29. Spirit of Jesus Christ. Phil. 1:19
    30. Eternal Spirit. Heb. 9:14
    31. Spirit of Grace. Heb. 10:29
    32. Spirit of Glory and of God. 1 Peter 4:14
  2. Facts about the Holy Spirit.
    1. He’s God in you. 1 Cor. 3:16-17
    2. He’s Christ in you. Rom. 8:9
    3. Has God-attributes.
      1. Omnipresent. Psalm 139:7
      2. Omniscient. 1 Cor. 2:10–11
      3. Omnipotent. Zech. 4:6; Acts 10:38
    4. Third person of the Trinity. Matt. 28:19; 2 Cor. 13:14
    5. Assisted with creation. Gen. 1:2
    6. Can be sinned against.
      1. Lied to. Acts 5:3
      2. Resisted. Acts 7:51
      3. Quenched. 1 Thess. 5:19
      4. Grieved. Eph. 4:30
      5. Blasphemed. Matt. 12:31
      6. Insulted. Heb. 10:29
    7. Is God’s presence. Psalm 51:11
  3. of the Holy Spirit.
    1. you. John 16:7–8
    2. , seals, and secures you. Eph. 1:13–14
    3. you. 1 Cor. 12:13
    4. you. Eph. 5:18
    5. you. 1 Cor. 12:11
    6. you. Luke 12:11–12; John 14:26; 1 Cor. 2:12–13
    7. to you. Acts 8:29; Acts 10:19–20; Acts 13:2
    8. for you. Rom. 8:26
    9. you. John 14:16–17
    10. you. Acts 1:8; Rom. 15:18–19; Eph. 3:16
    11. Gives you Rom. 15:13
    12. Exalts  through you. John 16:13–14
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