NEIGHBORING | Message 2: Critical People
August 25, 2024 / Bethesda ChurchNever ignore the value of constructive criticism.
Proverbs 15:31-32 (NLT)
If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject criticism, you only harm yourself.
1. God, help me know when to respond to criticism.
Judges 8:1-3
Now the Ephraimites asked Gideon, “Why have you treated us like this?” And they criticized him sharply. But he answered them, “What have I accomplished compared to you? Aren’t even the leftover grapes of Ephraim’s harvest better than the entire crop of my little clan of Abiezer. God gave you victory over Oren and Zee, the commanders of the Midianite army. That have I accomplished compared to that?” When the men of Ephraim heard Gideon’s answer, their anger subsided.
2. God, help me know when to dismiss invalid criticism.
1 Peter 2:23
When they hurled their insults at Jesus, he did not retaliate; when he suffered, he made no threats. Instead, he entrusted himself to him who judges justly.
3. God, help me overcome my own critical nature.
Proverbs 12:18
Some people make cutting words, but the words of the wise bring healing.