January 30, 2022 / Big Valley Grace Community Church– SCROLL DOWN FOR MORE MESSAGE NOTES AS YOU FOLLOW ALONG –
God’s Word: Solid As A Rock!
I. Three Contributors
A. Chapters 1-29:
B. Chapter 30:
C. Chapter 31:
A. While we ! (Prov. 1:20-33; 2 Cor 6:2; Heb 3:12-15)
B. It’s what we want for our ! (Prov 10:1; 15:20; Eph 6:4)
C. The : God! (Prov 1:7; Rom 1:20-24; Prov 30:1-4)
III. What does it mean to Fear God?
A. Recognizing that is God and are not! (Deut 32:19; Ps 33:6-9; 14:1; Isa 40:27-31; Prov 30:1-4)
B. Recognizing that we all will before Him! (Prov 5:21; Acts 10:42; Rom 14:10-12; Rev 20:11-15)
C. We have been wonderfully made Him and Him! (Ps 24:1; 139:14; Eph 2:10; 1 Cor 6:20)
IV. Our Security!
A. Every is !
(Prov 30:5; Ps 12:6)
B. & !
(Heb 4:12; Isa 40:8; Matt 24:35)
C. ! (Heb 4:12; Eph 6:17; 1 Thess 2:13)
V. Our Security!
A. Our is our ! (Prov 30:5; Ps 27:4-5; 61:4; 91:1-4; Rom 8:31-39)
VI.Our Calling…
A. “Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma…trying to learn what is pleasing to the Lord.” (Eph 5:1-10)
VII. Our Prayer…
A. Take another step Jesus! (Matt 11:28)
B. We would be soft ! (Isa 64:8)
C. Our would show off Jesus! (Matt 5:13-16)
- Read Proverbs 30:1-33
- How does pride interfere with one’s ability to gather wisdom?
- How have you seen the Word of God proven in your life and your family’s life? How has it been tested?
- What are some ways that the “world” attempts to deceive and lie to us and to get our lives off track? What protects us from deception and lies?
- What is the source of contentment? What was Agur’s fear in his own life?
- As you have studied Proverbs this past month, what other lessons have grabbed your heart?