Big Thought: The fruit you bear reveals your true .
1. You have two that each have very specific and definite .
a. The gate leads to .
i. This way is .
ii. There are that travel this road.
b. The gate leads to .
i. This way is .
ii. There are only a who travel this road.
2. Are you a or are you a ?
a. are always used by Jesus to identify His people.
John 10:7, 14, 27 (ESV) – So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep… I am the Good Shepherd. I know My own and My own know Me… My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.”
b. devoured the .
i. False prophets are .
ii. But they seek to appear as .
iii. Not all false prophets to be false.
c. The answer to the question comes by examining your .
Genesis 3:18 (ESV) – Thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field.
3. What kind of are you?
a. There are trees.
i. They produce fruit.
ii. They cannot produce fruit.
iii. The fruit reveals the .
b. There are trees.
i. They produce fruit.
ii. They cannot produce fruit.
iii. The fruit reveals the .
iv. These trees are cut down and thrown into the fire.
4. Conclusions from Jesus’ .
a. There are many “falsely ” Christians.
b. In appearance, false Christians look to real Christians.
c. For most, the fact they are false Christians will come as a complete .
Four Traits of the Christian:
1. No true with Jesus.
2. .
3. Outwardly religious, but inwardly .
4. Because they have a faulty , their commitment to Christ falls apart in the of life.
One of the greatest tests of the genuineness of your faith is .