Psalm 57:1-11 (ESV)
1 Samuel 24:3-4a (ESV)
1. Faithfulness can seem risky.
1 Samuel 24:4b-7 (ESV)
a. Faithfulness causes you to often go against the crowd.
1 Samuel 24:8 (ESV)
b. Faithfulness may not seem safe.
c. Faithfulness can often seem unfair.
Psalm 57:1-2a (ESV)
2. How do you stay faithful in the cave?
a. Cry out to God.
Psalm 121:1-2 (ESV)
b. Recognize and remember God’s sovereignty.
Psalm 57:2 (ESV)
c. Know God’s steadfast love and faithfulness.
Psalm 57:3 (ESV)
d. Exalt God because He is worthy.
Psalm 57:5, 7-11 (ESV)
3. Result of being faithful in the cave.
a. Faithfulness will be rewarded.
1 Samuel 24:16-20 (ESV)
1 Samuel 26:23-24 (ESV)