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7 Truths And A Lie (Part 2) – Sexuality

April 14, 2024   /   Crossroads Community Church

Why does God care so much about my ?

Your and your  are deeply connected (1 Corinthians 6:12-20)

God cares about your sex life not because He’s the , He cares about your sex life because

The Biblical picture of right sexual behavior is

Sexuality is not an part of our lives, it is an integral part of  (Genesis 1:27-28, 2:24)

Those who follow God’s design for sexual behavior bring  to themselves, but those who disobey it bring to themselves (Proverbs 5:15-23)

does NOT make you less of a person.

Sex within marriage becomes a direct form of  to Paul (1 Corinthians 7:1-5)

Our are not bad things

The message of the Gospel reminds us that

The thief comes only to ; I have come . (John 10:10)

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