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My Shepherd – “Dwell”

August 18, 2024   /   Crossroads Community Church

Psalm 23:6a

Goodness and mercy David; they do not merely him.

God’s is revealed as his and his , both expressed in his for his people.

Exodus 34:6-7; Psalm 119:68

“Mercy” is the of God – hesed. This is his , his .

The is pursuing us. God is his own . He doesn’t goodness and love; he goodness and love.

Complete , perfect , full provision: , , and .

Psalm 139:5

“Surely” is an intensive, affirmative word: this will . It can also be translated “.” When it is translated like this, it has a .

David is basically saying, “In all that happens to me, I see .”

Psalm 23:6b

He invites us to where he dwells and to be .

The phrase is literally “.”

Psalm 21:4; 93:5

When we live with the Lord, we will . It will never end.

We were created for ; the whole point of our existence is to .

Our exodus journey is not aimless wandering in the wilderness. We are on the Father’s porch. We are journeying to the house of the Lord. We are heading home!


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