The Culprit Of Self Sabotage | Min Michael Johnson
June 9, 2024 / Crusade Christian Faith Center6.8.24
Key Scripture: Jeremiah 1:5-7(KJV)
Message Title: “The Culprit of Self Sabotage”
Big Idea:
God did not call you to drown in your own self sabotage.
He called you to live in the purpose He predestined for you to function in.
- The Neglected Weapon of Self Sabotage
- The enemy knows if there is a boundary he is unqualified to cross then His plan B will always be found in how He can create a capacity for self implosion, self sabotage leading to self destruction.
James 1:14(KJV)
But every man is tempted(tested, tried, challenged or pulled to succumb to), when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
- One of the greatest detriments Is found in mis-managing how to deal with what has the power to draw you away from God.
- The Truth in Self Sabotage
- One of the ploys of self sabotage is a lack of ownership. It is a refusal to take responsibility.
- The Attempt of Self Sabotage
One of the highlighted facts of Hilkiah Jeremiah’s dad was the fact that in 2 Kings 22 Hilkiah was the priest that re-discovered the lost book of the law in the house of the Lord.
- This discovery helped lead to the re-establishment of Godly standards in the house of Judah.
Main Points:
- Jer. 1:1 We are commissioned to restore the standard of God’s Glory into His Church.
- Jer. 1:5-7 We are commissioned to carry out the appointment of God for His people.
- Jer. 1: 8-10 May the cycle of self sabotage cease and the appointment of functioning as conduits of God’s deliverance begin.
We are delivered From to be delivered to.
Word of Encouragement: Jeremiah 1:5
– Jeremiah’s commission is your call Crusade Faith Christian Center:
》Before the Lord fashioned you
》He was acquainted with your future functionality and operation.
》He set you apart for a season
》He appointed the house to steward the Lord’s Word over His church.
You are commissioned to carry the appointment of the Lord to His Church, your communities, your city and cultures.