Digging Deeper Bible Study
February 13, 2024 / Calvary Chapel International Worship centerARMED & ANOINTED
Tuesday “Digging Deeper” notes
1 Sam. 15:1 Samuel said to Saul, “I am the one the Lord sent to anoint you king over his people Israel..
- Battles the Amalekites
- Keeps the best sheep and cattle, Destroyed the weak
[ Obeyed when the it lined up with what they wanted to do ] teen mentality - Prophet goes to the meeting place, but Saul left to go to Carmel,
(vs. 12) “There he has set up a monument in his own honor” - Saul’s response: “The Lord bless you! I have carried out the Lord’s instructions.”
- When confronted, Saul BLAMES soldiers
- Samuels answer: (vs. 23) “For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.”
1 Sam. 16:1 Fill your horn with oil and be on your way
- he looked at Eliab and said, “Surely the Lord’s anointed is before Him!”
- For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.”
Joshua 1:9
And after all the nation had been circumcised, they stayed there in the camp until they were healed. 9Then the LORD said to Joshua, “Today I have rolled away the of Egypt from you.” So that place has been called Gilgal to this day.
2781 Cherpah (kher-paw) Hebrew word
- Taunt of the enemy – Goliath with Israel.
- Condition of shame or disgrace
- becoming the object of reproach (black sheep of family, outcast)
Psa. 69:19-21 You know my reproach, my shame, and my dishonor; My adversaries are all before You. 20 Reproach has broken my heart, And I am full of heaviness; I looked for someone to take pity, but there was none; And for comforters, but I found none. 21 They also gave me gall for my food, And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.
Isa. 25:8 He will swallow up death forever; and the Lord GOD will wipe away tears from all faces, and the reproach of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the LORD has spoken.