Penalty Flags – Offsides

September 8, 2024   /   Church of the Harvest

Penalty Flags – Holding

2Tim 2:5, Eccl 3:1, 5, Mt 11:28, 1Tim 6:12, 19, Phil 3:12-14

A. – Spiritual holding is when we a or from achieving established

  1. Phil 3:7, 2Cor 12:10, Matt 23:11, 16:25-26
  2. Hold On! Let Go! determines everything – Eccl 3:1,

B. The Time to

  1. Hold on to Mt 19:5-6
  2. Hold on to what is Rom 12:9-10, 1Thes 5:21-11
  3. Hold on to 1Tim 6:12, 19, Heb 4:14
  4. Hold on to Phil 3:12-14
  5. Hold on to , and by the & of God, Heb 10:23, 6:18-19,

C. The Time to “”…

  1. Let go of Rom 13:12, Heb 12:1
  2. Let go of your 1Pet 5:7, Mt 11:28
  3. Let go of Prov 3:5-6, Ps 37:5, Jer 9:23-24

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