Halfway: More Than Half

September 8, 2024   /   Cross Pointe Church


Halfway – Sermon Notes Pastor Brad Myers

More Than Half! September 8, 2024


Today: More Than Half!

Doesn’t it seem like God refuses to meet us halfway?

So, what is More Than Half? More than halfway.

  • Halfway: The midpoint!
  • More than halfway: Anything beyond the midpoint.
    • Anywhere beyond the halfway point

Nehemiah 4:15-16 (ESV)

Halfway is where the opposition showed up and a decision had to be made to continue more than halfway.

So, why does it feel like sometimes God doesn’t meet us halfway? It’s only a feeling not a reality.

Psalm 34:4 (MSG)

Remember the Call of Abram?

Genesis 12:1 (NLT)

Acts 7:2 (NKJV)

Acts 7:4 (ESV)

What led to God removing Abram from Haran?

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Abram journeyed with his father, Terah!

Genesis 11:27-32 (NLT)

Why did Terah leave UR??

  • Craftsman: Ur good but Canaan better
  • His son died in Ur, maybe needed a change?

WHY didn’t Terah make it to Canaan? Was it just because he died?

Genesis 11:31 (NLT)

Stopped” Temporary

Settled” More Permanent

Haran was the land of comfort, but Canaan was the land of promise. Terah appeared looking for comfort while Abram was following a promise. Both intended to leave Ur, in the same direction, with different motives.

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After Terah’s death, Abram headed for the promise!

Genesis 12:4 (NLT)

We can all be tempted to quit before reaching an intended goal. “Don’t settle for where you’re at! Keep on going until you reach the end.”

Genesis 11:31 (ESV)

  • We’re never really told why he left or why he stopped!
  • But he “Settled” more than halfway to Canaan!
    • (physically, emotionally, and spiritually)
  • The city of Haran worshipped “other gods” just like Ur! (moon God)
  • He died more than halfway into his journey

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Abram Kept Going

God told Abram, “Finish the Journey!”

Genesis 12:1 (NLT)

  • Written in Haran or Ur??? Most believe Ur…
  • Regardless, the LORD doesn’t give some new directive, no new assignment

Our direction determines our destination, and Abram was more than halfway to Canaan so only he could change his intentions.

Did Terah settle for halfway obedience or half-hearted effort?

Genesis 11:31 (ESV)

Were Faith and Fear involved? YES!!

Both had faith to start the journey. Tearah settled more than halfway; Abram finished.

Whenever there’s a hesitation to move toward God’s calling, fear most likely, will birth the pause.

  • doubt, indecision, procrastination, reluctance, or just plain unwillingness
  • “But . . .” Jesus reached out His hand to a sinking Peter,

Matthew 14:31 (ESV)

Faith and fear never co-exist. Hope sinks in the weight of doubt.

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More than halfway is a focus on the finish!

Often when we quit, like Terah, we die. Vision dies; purpose dies; hope dies; promise dies; faith dies. We may live, but inside something is missing and lost forever.

  • When there seems no way through, around, or over, we settle.

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Like Abram, we need to remember

Genesis 12:1 (NLT)

  • This stirs our faith to move again!
  • Restarts the journey, and un-pauses our vision.
  • Abram went miles beyond his father, seeing what his father failed to see.

Genesis 12:8 (ESV)

  • ‘Called’ doesn’t refer to private prayer.
  •  Abram was making a public declaration of God’s faithlessness.
  • Abram kept going!!!— he was unstoppable.

Genesis 15:1-7 (NLT)

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Abram was called and responded!

Matthew 22:14 (ESV) Parable of the Wedding Feast

God calls everyone and gives them the ability to respond—but to be chosen, we must respond to the call. In other words, many people hear the call of God, but only a few respond to it.

Q: Is that you today? Is God waiting for your response?


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