Preparation Meets Opportunity
October 27, 2024 / Cross Pointe Church
Preparation Meets Opportunity – Sermon Notes Pastor Brad Myers
October 27, 2024
Preparation Meets Opportunity!
God is preparing you for what he has prepared for you!
God prepares people for bigger things!
1 Corinthians 2:9 (NLT)
Our success happens when 10,000 hours of preparation meets one second of opportunity.
Sometimes we’re more interested in recognition than preparation
There’s Value in Being Prepared
Jesus prepared for 30 years before launching his public ministry doing something he was not created or called to do.
- Ancient Jewish law & custom, 30 was full maturity, physically and mentally, and suitable for high degrees of responsibility.
Proverbs 24:27 (NLT)
Shunammite Woman: Village of Shunem
Story: 2 Kings 4:26 (Elisha sees a woman approaching him tells servant)
- Nothing out of the ordinary here.
- Wealthy married woman had no son.
- Knows the prophet, Elisha.
- Set up a guest room for Elisha,
- Confesses Elisha is a true prophet and holy man of God.
- Elisha stayed with her as he traveled.
- Elisha repaid hospitality by prophetically speaking she would have a son.
- Years later the child died, and the woman went to fetch Elisha seeking healing.
- “It is well”
Preparation is not a one-time event but a lifelong process.
- Woman continually trusted God.
The woman prepared her heart and her home.
- She built a room for Elisha, making space in her life for God’s word.
- She didn’t react in anger or despair. She didn’t blame God or question His goodness. Instead, she simply said, “It is well.”
- She knew God was in control and everything would work out for good.
Preparation positions us for a God opportunity.
Joseph: Genesis 37-50: Powerful example of preparation meeting divine opportunity.
- Brothers sold him into slavery where he spent years even in prison.
- Remained faithful: Using his God given gifts of dream interpretation.
- Pharaoh called he was “Ready!” to interpret for him!
Genesis 41:14-16 (NLT)
- Joseph’s preparation aligned with a God opportunity led to a promotion.
- He didn’t know when, where, or how things would change but he stayed ready!
- Joseph Made Ruler of Egypt
When preparation meets opportunity God shows up!
Preparation can be in unseen places
1 Samuel 16:11-13 (NLT)
- Anointed King while a shepherd boy.
- 1st of three anointings on David.
- David wasn’t even considered and was overlooked by man, was chosen by God
- Back to the field
Sometimes our preparation happens in private for what God has prepared for us in public.
God Provides opportunities based on our preparation
- Mathew 25: Parable of the Talents. (weight of money)
- Master gives 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability.
- 5 doubled to 10; 2 doubled to 4; 1 was buried..
- Those who prepared invested and were rewarded:
- Two were prepared to meet the master because they had done what he asked.
- Reward: “made ruler over many thing.”(same reward for both based on ability)
God’s opportunities can come suddenly
Acts 9:10-15 (NIV)
- Ananias living a normal.
- Spiritually prepared to hear the voice of God.
- Played a key role in Saul’s conversion
When our preparation aligns with God’s timing miracles happen!
Esther 4:13-16 (NLT)
- Esther prepared throughout her life.
- She had humility, wisdom & understanding of her position
- Her preparation aligned with a moment of divine opportunity to save her people.
- Mordecai: Reminded her that she may have been placed in her royal position
“for such a time of this.”
- Esther’s preparation and reliance on God were keys to her success in seizing the opportunity.
- She fasted and prayed before acting.
God is preparing you for what he has prepared for you!
He has an opportunity waiting for you to catch up to it. Will you be ready?