The Money Challenge Lesson 3

December 22, 2024   /   Cross Church Kansas City

THE MONEY CHALLENGE – How to Have God’s Blessings on My Money

The Saving Challenge

God’s formula for my money: Give , save , and live .

Why don’t People Save

  1. The desire for
  2. The inability to
  3. The lack of


6 Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!7 Though they have no prince or governor or ruler to make them work,8 they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter. Proverbs 6:6-8


24 There are four things on earth that are small but unusually wise: 25 Ants—they aren’t strong, but they store up food all summer. Proverbs 30:24-25

5 Lessons from God on Savings

  1. There are seasons of
  2. Prepare for
  3. Savings
  4. Saving

What’s the purpose of saving money?

  • To
  • To
  • To

Where Can I Find Money to Save?

Types of Savings Plans

  • How much:
  • Where:
  • When:
  • How much:
  • Where:
  • When:
  • How much:
  • Where:
  • When:
  • How much: ,
  • Where:
  • When:
  • How much:
  • Where:
  • When:

Time is the most important element of long-term savings.

Example: Katie saves $2,000 three years in a row starting at age 16 with a mutual fund. At age 65 she will have $591,583.20!

Annual investments of $3,000 ($250 per month) for twenty years. Total at age 65

  • Cameron: age 20-40
  • Pat: age 30-50
  • Jean age 40-60

Rules of investing by Charles Schwab

  • Companies are built to grow
  • The U.S. and world economies will continue to grow
  • Important factors, diversification, time, low cost
  • Investing doesn’t have to be complicated
  • Stick to your plan

5 Rules to Saving

  1. Stick to a budget
  2. Automate your savings
  3. Have a savings challenge
  4. 24-hour rule for impulse purchases
  5. Get a side hustle

Is Your Spouse Overspending?

  • Set up a time to talk
  • Avoid blaming language
  • Discuss and agree on shared goals
  • Create a budget together
  • Set up a time for regular check-ins
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