A Divided Heart | Messy Church, Part 11

April 7, 2024   /   Crosstown Alliance Church

A Divided Heart | Messy Church, Part 11


Divided hearts focus on the details of circumstances -> Anxious about the details (pleasures, comfort, and physical needs) -> Discontent in our circumstances->

To fully address our circumstances, we need to do these 2 things:

1) Address Our Circumstances

Be real about the struggle

Circumcised, Uncircumcised – Neither one matters, focus on serving God. 

Bondservant/SlaveFocus on serving God, if you can become free that’s great, focus on serving God.

Married – stay married, now focus on serving God.

Divorced – and your situation is this stay single, if your situation is this get married if you want, stay single if you can, now focus on serving God but it will be easier if you’re single.

Single – get married if you want, stay single if you can, now focusing on serving God but it will be easier if you’re single. 

Widowed – get married if you want, stay single if you can, now focusing on serving God but it will be easier if you’re single.

Betrothed/Engaged – get married if you want, stay single if you can, now focusing on serving God but it will be easier if you’re single.

We may be struggling with the same circumstances, we may not but we need to do the same thing that Paul did and be real about naming the circumstances in our life that we are or can be focused on instead of focusing on serving God in them.

Work – My Co-Workers, Leave a space here, Focus on Serving God

Be real about who’s in control of your circumstances.

“Only let each person lead the life that the Lord has assigned to him and to which God has called him.”

Proverbs 16.9 “a person’s heart plans his way, but the Lord determines his steps.”

The reason why we don’t have full control of our circumstances is because God has a purpose and a plan for us.


2) Address Our Calling


35 “I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord.”

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”

To address our calling, we need to make our relationship with God our #1 priority and we focus on serving Him and not our circumstances. 

Example: Work – My Co-Workers, love my enemies, now Focus on Serving God

After we have properly addressed our circumstances and our calling, we will be able to Realign Our Focus

We will be able focus on serving God in our circumstance, trusting Him with the details, allowing us to be content in our circumstances. This is the key to an undivided heart.

Undivided Heart is Focused on serving God -> Trust Him with the details -> Content in our circumstances.

Let’s Pray.


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