Digging Deeper Devotional Week of June 3rd

June 3, 2024   /   First Baptist Church Elgin

Digging Deeper Devotional Week of June 3rd


Day 1:


God’s gentleness is evident in His interaction with Elijah.


Read: 1 Kings 19:1-18 (Focus on verses 9-13)



In 1 Kings 19, Elijah flees from Queen Jezebel and becomes despondent, feeling alone and defeated. God responds not with a dramatic display of power but through a gentle whisper, revealing His presence and care. This passage highlights how God’s gentleness provides comfort and guidance in times of distress.


Key Words:

  1. Whisper (H1827): “a calm, gentle sound.”
  2. Gentle breeze (H1827): “a thin silence, a gentle whisper.”


Theological Truths:

  1. Matthew Henry comments on 1 Kings 19:12, emphasizing God’s gentle communication: “God sometimes shows Himself in ways that are most suited to quiet and compose the minds of His people.”
  2. John Wesley reflects on 1 Kings 19:12, highlighting the significance of the gentle whisper: “In the still small voice, God is pleased to manifest Himself as the God of peace and consolation.”


Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does God’s gentle approach to Elijah demonstrate His care and understanding?

  2. Why do you think God chose to reveal Himself to Elijah through a gentle whisper rather than a powerful display?

  3. In what ways can you seek and recognize God’s gentle guidance in your life?



Take time in quiet reflection today, listening for God’s gentle voice and allowing His peace to fill your heart.


Day 2:


Jesus shows gentleness in His interaction with the woman caught in adultery.


Read: John 8:1-11



In John 8, the scribes and Pharisees bring a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, attempting to trap Him with a legal dilemma. Instead of condemning her, Jesus responds with gentleness and grace, challenging those without sin to cast the first stone. His gentle and wise response diffuses the situation and offers the woman a new beginning.


Key Words:

  1. Adultery (G3430): “illicit sexual relations, marital unfaithfulness.”
  2. Condemn (G2632): “to give judgment against, to judge worthy of punishment.”


Theological Truths:

  1. Charles Spurgeon reflects on John 8:11, emphasizing Jesus’ gentleness and forgiveness: “Jesus does not condemn the sinner, but gives her an opportunity for repentance and change.”
  2. Matthew Henry comments on John 8:11, highlighting the power of Jesus’ gentle response: “His gentleness made her great; He sent her away with a gentle reproof, and a gracious caution.”


Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does Jesus’ gentle handling of the situation reveal His character?

  2. What can we learn from Jesus about balancing truth and grace in our interactions with others?

  3. How can you show gentleness and forgiveness to those who have wronged you?



Think of someone who needs your forgiveness, and extend gentleness and grace to them, following Jesus’ example.


Day 3:


Paul encourages the church to restore gently those caught in sin.


Read: Galatians 6:1-10 (Focus on verse 1)



In Galatians 6, Paul instructs the believers to gently restore anyone caught in sin, emphasizing the importance of humility and self-awareness. This passage underscores the need for a gentle and caring approach in helping others overcome their faults, reflecting the gentleness of Christ in our interactions.


Key Words:

  1. Restore (G2675): “to mend, to repair, to make complete.”
  2. Gentleness (G4240): “mildness, meekness, humility.”


Theological Truths:

  1. John Stott comments on Galatians 6:1, emphasizing the necessity of gentleness in restoration: “The restoration of a sinner must be undertaken with meekness and gentleness, recognizing our own vulnerability.”
  2. F.F. Bruce reflects on Galatians 6:1, highlighting the community aspect: “The church is a community where the gentle restoration of those who have fallen is essential.”


Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does Paul’s instruction to restore gently align with the character of Christ?

  2. Why is gentleness important when dealing with someone who has sinned?

  3. In what ways can you cultivate a spirit of gentleness in your interactions within your community or church?



Identify someone who may need gentle encouragement or correction, and approach them with a spirit of gentleness and humility.


Day 4:


As recipients of God’s gentleness, we are called to reflect His gentleness to others.


Read: Philippians 4:1-9 (Focus on verse 5)



In Philippians 4, Paul encourages the believers to let their gentleness be evident to all, reminding them that the Lord is near. This passage highlights the importance of maintaining a gentle spirit, particularly in the context of Christian relationships and community life.


Key Words:

  1. Gentleness (G1933): “mildness, patience, moderation.”
  2. Near (G1451): “near, close, imminent.”


Theological Truths:

  1. William Barclay comments on Philippians 4:5, emphasizing the importance of gentleness: “The word epieikes is one of the most untranslatable of all Greek words. It means the spirit that is reasonable, fair, and considerate.”
  2. Albert Barnes reflects on Philippians 4:5, highlighting the broader impact of gentleness: “The idea is that of a mind that is considerate, forbearing, and moderate; it is that of a spirit that is willing to yield to others.”


Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does letting your gentleness be evident reflect the presence of God in your life?

  2. Why is gentleness crucial in maintaining healthy relationships within the church?

  3. How can you ensure that your gentleness is evident to those around you, especially in challenging situations?



Make a conscious effort to respond with gentleness in all interactions today, particularly in situations where you may feel frustrated or impatient.


Day 5:


As recipients of God’s gentleness, we are called to be gentle with others.


Read: Colossians 3:12-17 (Focus on verse 12)



In Colossians 3, Paul exhorts believers to clothe themselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. These virtues reflect the new self that is renewed in the image of Christ. Gentleness, as part of this new self, is essential in how believers interact with one another, fostering a spirit of unity and peace.


Key Words:

  1. Gentleness (G4240): “mildness, meekness, humility.”
  2. Patience (G3115): “long-suffering, forbearance, fortitude.”


Theological Truths:

  1. John Calvin reflects on Colossians 3:12, emphasizing the transformation in Christ: “The elect of God ought to be adorned with new virtues, because they have been renewed in the image of God.”
  2. Matthew Henry comments on Colossians 3:12, highlighting the importance of gentleness: “We must not be high in our own conceit, but lowly and ready to condescend to the meanest offices of love to our brethren.”


Questions for Reflection:

  1. How does gentleness fit into the overall character that Paul describes in Colossians 3:12-17?

  2. Why is it important to clothe ourselves with gentleness, alongside other virtues like compassion and humility?

  3. How can you practice gentleness in your daily interactions, reflecting the new self in Christ?



Choose one specific way to show gentleness today, whether through a kind word, a gentle response, or an act of kindness, and commit to making it a daily habit.

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