No Other Gospel – Week 11
November 10, 2024 / First Baptist Church Elgin5-day Devotional Based on Galatians 5:16-25
Day 1: The Battle Within
Summary: Every believer faces a daily battle between the flesh and the Spirit. This struggle reminds us of our need to rely on God’s Spirit for victory over our sinful nature.
Read: Galatians 5:16-17, Romans 7:15-20, James 4:1-3
Background: Paul addresses the Galatians, who are struggling with Judaizers urging them back into legalism. Instead of submitting to the law, Paul calls them to walk in the Spirit, which brings freedom and victory over sin.
Key Words:
- Flesh: The sinful nature, which inclines us toward self-centered desires.
- Spirit: Refers to the Holy Spirit, who empowers believers to live in alignment with God’s will.
Theological Truths:
- “The flesh and the Spirit are two contrary principles, influencing believers in opposite ways.” — John Calvin
- “Sanctification is a process, not completed in this life, but marked by a continual struggle.” — J.C. Ryle
Questions for Reflection:
- How do you experience the battle between flesh and Spirit in your life?
- What does it mean for you to “walk by the Spirit” today?
- How does acknowledging this internal conflict deepen your dependence on God?
Application: Start each day this week with a prayer asking the Holy Spirit to guide your thoughts, words, and actions.
Day 2: The Desires of the Flesh
Summary: The works of the flesh are evident in sinful actions and attitudes that draw us away from God. Recognizing these desires helps us seek God’s strength to resist them.
Read: Galatians 5:19-21, 1 John 2:15-17, Romans 13:13-14
Background: The “works of the flesh” list in Galatians reflects the behaviors resulting from our sinful nature, contrasting sharply with the fruit of the Spirit.
Key Words:
- Works of the flesh: Manifestations of the sinful nature, including immorality, strife, and envy.
- Over-desire: A desire that becomes excessive and disordered, leading to sin.
Theological Truths:
- “The flesh has an ‘over-desire’ for perceived needs, driven by a lack of trust in God’s goodness.” — Martin Luther
- “The human heart is an idol factory, constantly seeking to replace God with created things.” — John Calvin
Questions for Reflection:
- Which “works of the flesh” do you find most challenging to resist?
- How does the gospel address our over-desires for things of this world?
- How can trusting in God’s goodness help combat the desires of the flesh?
Application: Identify one area where an over-desire has taken root. Surrender it to God, asking Him to fill that space with His presence.
Day 3: Walking by the Spirit
Summary: Walking by the Spirit leads to a life of victory and transformation. As we abide in Christ, the Spirit produces fruit in us, proving our new identity in Him.
Read: Galatians 5:22-23, John 15:4-5, Romans 8:5-9
Background: Paul contrasts the “works” of the flesh with the “fruit” of the Spirit. Unlike works, fruit is produced through connection to the Spirit, reflecting a transformed life.
Key Words:
- Fruit of the Spirit: Evidence of a Spirit-filled life, including love, joy, peace, and self-control.
- Abide: To remain in close, dependent relationship with Christ.
Theological Truths:
- “Where the Spirit is, there is freedom, and with freedom comes fruit.” — Augustine
- “The fruit of the Spirit grows in the soil of abiding in Christ.” — Charles Spurgeon
Questions for Reflection:
- Which fruit of the Spirit do you most desire to grow in your life?
- How can you prioritize “abiding” in Christ in practical ways?
- How does the presence of the Spirit’s fruit in your life affirm your identity in Christ?
Application: Choose one fruit of the Spirit to intentionally cultivate this week. Reflect on ways to let this quality shine in your actions and relationships.
Day 4: The Process of Bearing Fruit
Summary: Fruit-bearing is a gradual process that requires patience and continual dependence on the Spirit. Transformation happens over time, reflecting the work of God within us.
Read: Galatians 5:22-25, Philippians 1:6, Colossians 1:9-10
Background: Paul emphasizes that bearing fruit is a natural outcome of life in the Spirit, but it requires time, patience, and a close relationship with God.
Key Words:
- Growth: The gradual development of spiritual maturity through the Spirit’s work.
- Patience: A fruit of the Spirit, necessary for the process of sanctification.
Theological Truths:
- “The fruit of the Spirit is slow but sure; it ripens in God’s perfect time.” — John Owen
- “Sanctification is a steady progress rather than a sudden achievement.” — R.C. Sproul
Questions for Reflection:
- Where have you seen spiritual growth in your life over time?
- Why do you think God allows fruit to grow slowly rather than instantly?
- How does patience play a role in your relationship with God?
Application: Reflect on a time when you grew in a specific fruit of the Spirit. Thank God for this growth and commit to patiently abiding in Him for further transformation.
Day 5: Living by the Spirit
Summary: To live by the Spirit means to let Him guide our lives, thoughts, and actions. This requires a daily choice to submit to God, trusting His power over our weaknesses.
Read: Galatians 5:25, Romans 8:12-14, Ephesians 5:8-10
Background: Living by the Spirit is an ongoing choice to follow God’s guidance rather than our own desires. Paul encourages the Galatians to allow the Spirit’s influence in all aspects of their lives.
Key Words:
- Live by the Spirit: Actively following the Spirit’s leading in daily life.
- Guidance: The Spirit’s direction in aligning our actions with God’s will.
Theological Truths:
- “The Spirit’s work is to illuminate our minds and direct our steps.” — John Calvin
- “To be filled with the Spirit means to be controlled and empowered by Him in all things.” — Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Questions for Reflection:
- What steps can you take to be more sensitive to the Spirit’s guidance?
- How does living by the Spirit affect your decisions and interactions with others?
- What does it mean to “keep in step with the Spirit” in your life?
Application: Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your decisions today. Take time to listen and be sensitive to His promptings in your conversations, choices, and thoughts.