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God is Closer Than You Think

April 4, 2021   /   First Baptist Russell

John 20:1-25

Then all the disciples left Him and fled.
Matthew 26:56b

What Robs Our Confidence?

That Sunday evening the disciples were meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Suddenly, Jesus was standing there among them! “Peace be with you,” he said.
John 20:19 NLT

Three Perspectives Coated Their Eyes – Shielding Them From The Truth And Left Them For Answers.

Jesus appears to them to away their perspectives, one layer at a time, until they could see clearly.

1st Their viewpoint lacked a dimension, leaving them merely with a understanding of the events.

  • This statement brings it home: “can’t see the for the .”
  • Many people through life only seeing the . I wonder if your vision is .
  • Here at the tomb – God could not have been or more .

2nd Their own determined their expectations. As long as someone clings to their own , they will remain to the reality that God is in the process of creating. Our agenda keeps us from seeing Jesus in our.

3rd They failed to acknowledge the . A of belief affects everything.

Some Practical Decisions For The Journey:

  • Choose to life through God’s . If you do – you will be on the road to .
  • your expectations.

Stop trying to make things your – this is called .

Ask God to bring about His .

  • Acknowledge the resurrection of Jesus Christ and your upon it.
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