Ephesians 4:1-16 Walking In Christ: Living Out Our New Identity

April 21, 2024   /   Feather Sound Church

Ephesians 4:1-16 Walking in Christ: Living Out Our New Identity

V.1 Because we are prisoners of Jesus, Paul then urges that we live or walk a certain way that will result in maturity and growth. The question is: as Christians, how do we walk/live?

1. Pattern: Your spiritual walk reveals a lot. How does one walk? V.1 literally walk worthy of the calling/vocation we received. The pattern is a worthy manner balanced by calling.

2. Path: V.2 Where you walk is critical.  Eph. 5:1-2 Walk in love as Christ loved and gave himself for us. Ephesians 5:15 Walk carefully. 

a. Humility – Greek combination – low mind (You aren’t thinking of yourself).

b. Gentleness – Strength under control. Not driven by anger.

c. Patience – over time. longsuffering.

d. Bearing with one another – Putting up with the imperfections of the other.

V.2 is the chain of characteristics of a worthy walk that precedes building unity (v.3).

3. Priority: V.3 Make every effort. How? Based on God’s word, not my opinion or feelings. v.4-6 What we share in common is far greater than our differences.

4. Posture: What is our spiritual posture? V.7 The only way to walk out any relationship leading to unity over time is with a posture of grace.

V.8-11 Jesus through his death, set the captives free and distributes spiritual gifts to his people:

a. Apostles – sent ones. Those that establish pioneering work.

b. Prophets – those giving divine insight and revelation of God’s word.

c. Evangelists – those who are especially gifted in giving the gospel.

d. Pastor-Teacher – Most likely one office with two descriptors. Shepherds.

5. Purpose: Walking always has a goal.

V. 12 leaders aren’t to do the work, they are to equip the saints for 2 reasons. 1. The work of the ministry 2. So the body would be built up and grow.

V.13-16 with ultimate goal of being mature, looking more like Jesus, our Lord.

Summary: To walk according to the pattern and path of God, not my own, with a priority, which results in a great posture so that I can now get equipped, mended and fulfill my individual purpose of my high calling until together we reach the end goal of being solid, mature people working under the headship of our Lord Jesus without being emotionally tossed all over the place.

Grow Group Questions:

  1. We are saved by grace through faith, yet 1 John says there will be evidence by action. Do you have a “pattern” of walking in “balance” with your high calling and inheritance? What areas in v.2 don’t match up in my life? Why?
  2. Why is biblical humility so important? How can we cultivate it?
  3. Why is unity among believers so important? Am I divided with anyone that I need to “make every effort” to preserve unity with? Are there ever conditions on which we should divide?
  4. What does my spiritual walking pattern (gait) say about my life?
  5. What prevents us from “growing mature”, and having unity according to these verse?


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