Galatians 2:20-21 | The Exchanged Life
November 17, 2024 / Feather Sound ChurchJustification: The Great Exchange” (Galatians 2:20)
Big Idea: Like Israel, God leads us out of slavery and into the promised land. How long we spend in the desert places is up to one thing: our willingness to die to self.
Galatians 1:3-4; 6 Paul is amazed how easy it was for the Galatian church to turn back to the human tendency to decide what is best for their life.
Galatians 2:19-21 Paul explains that the law showed him his need for a Savior because it exposed his inability to live perfectly in his own thinking and efforts. He “died” to the law—he stopped relying on it for his relationship with God. Instead, he lives in a new way, by simply letting Jesus shape his life. It’s the 2nd most important spiritual event in one’s life – surrender. No surrender, no victory.
1 Cor. 10:6-7 these things (Exodus story) were written for our instruction, so we don’t desire evil things like they did. Our greatest need – come to an end of self-rule that started in the garden and like Israel, to be called “governed by God”. Pattern for entering into God’s good land:
- Faith – Ex. 12:12-13 something had to die in our place and by faith, we apply the blood for Salvation.
- Follow – Ex. 13:20-22 They were led by the pillar of fire/cloud. Every life event is training to die to self and follow God. Ex 14:1-4 God always has a plan that brings glory and our good. The key is: learn to follow. Ex. 14:13-14. How?
- First Step – of obedience. To walk in God’s direction, not my feelings.
- Food– Ex. 16 Christian growth is often simply overriding feelings by faith in a good God through his word, our daily bread and committing to follow that pillar of fire.
- Find – the wilderness is designed to find where my self-rule is and die to it.
- Fellowship Focus – Ex. 33:7,11. Mt. 6:33 is the key. We surrender our plan not out of legalism or duty but devotion that comes out of fellowship and abiding.
Israel had to die before entering the promised land. Paul used accounting terminology when he said that he reckoned himself “crucified with Christ”. A dead man has no personal agendas or rights, it simply allows room for God to do what He wants.
Grow Group Questions (or just great personal application questions):
- What are some specific ways we tend to try to “determine good and evil for ourselves” rather than submitting to God’s perfect wisdom and love? How does this lead to sin and separation from Him?
- Describe a time in your own life when the “wilderness” experience caused you to surrender your own plans and desires in order to follow God’s leading. What did that process look like, and how did it ultimately lead you to greater freedom and fulfillment?
- Chronic frustration and anger are often control mechanisms. How does crucifying self with the knowledge that our eternal destiny is secure and that the Lord is on our side in every battle help defeat any attempt to control our lives?
- Lack of peace and joy are “check engine lights” for areas you are still trying to control. What areas are you not trusting God for?
- How is tithing (giving a portion of our increase) an antidote to greed or attempts at self-salvation for our futures?
Notes for further study (AKA-stuff that I had to cut from the message):
Further thoughts on point 2b-FOOD. An American Bible society survey looked at anxiety and Bible engagement and found that young people who identified as “Bible Engaged” had an anxiety score of 3.4, while people in that same group who identified as “Bible Disengaged” had an anxiety score of 7.4! Obviously a considerable difference worth looking at. I find it interesting that the famous verse that we all know is: Then you will know the truth and the truth with set you free… but we often don’t know what it says before that. It says: If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples, then you will know the truth (that will set you free). It’s important to note that it is not just knowledge but the application of the truth that results in freedom (John 8:31-32).
Prayer: I think prayer is so important as it is the best way to surrender. In prayer, I don’t bring anything to the table except simply asking God to work when I can’t. It’s an act of faith.
Read more about Hudson Taylor’s amazing experience here: