Ten Commandments Series Intro

September 22, 2024   /   Findlay Bible Methodist Church

Engage Class, Sunday 5pm

As we know, the Old Testament is a book of ; there are about 613 distinct laws that appear in the OT. 248 of them are commands—namely, commands to do something. But 365 of them are commands—instructions to avoid certain things. That means there are 248 “thou shalts” and 365 “thou shalt nots.” So, if there are 613 laws, what makes these ten so ?

First, these commands help us understand the of God’s law.

Second, as we examine these commands carefully, see that they reflect the of God.

(The following outline is adapted from Kevin DeYoung’s book):


1. Why Should We the Ten Commandments?

Reason #1: General

Reason #2: Instruction

Reason #3: Centrality to Ethics

Reason #4: Centrality to Ethics

Reason #5: God’s Law is


2. Why Should We the Ten Commandments?             

Reason #1: Who Are

Reason #2: Who is in Himself

Reason #3: Who God is to

Reason #4: Where We

Reason #5: What God Has


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