Let Me Clarify: Divorce
November 3, 2024 / Grace Point Community ChurchAnnouncements
Let Me Clarify
Scott Poehler
- A Concession to Humanity’s Sinfulness (Campbell, 2023)
- Genesis 2
- God laid out the perfect plan for marriage
- Genesis 3
- Humans fall to sin, fall short of God’s ideals
- Marriage is not immune to sin
- Sin unchecked in marriage can result in divorce
- Humans fall to sin, fall short of God’s ideals
- Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount on topic of divorce…
- Matthew 5:31-32
- Jesus confronted by the pharisees…
- Matthew 19:3-9 (Mark 10:1-12)
- Recalls Moses in Deuteronomy 24 (Genesis 3)
- Leaders interpreted as divorce for any reason
- Culture today says the same
- Points us back to God’s design (Genesis 2)
- Except for porneia (sexual immorality), divorce results in adultery
- Not for flippant dismissal of marriage
- Points to Jesus’ teaching…
- 1 Corinthians 7:10-11
- 1 Corinthians 7:15
- 1 Corinthians 7… “in such circumstances”
- Greek “en tois toioutois” (en toys toy-oo’-tos)
- Implies “Wider set of circumstances”.
- First Goal, exhaust all possibilities to heal a marriage.
- However, in such circumstances…regrettable concession of divorce…God calls us to live in peace.
Grace Point…
- Reflect God’s grace and mercy to those who have gone through or are experiencing divorce.
- Please seek counsel from church elders.
- Best solution: Reconciliation.
- Regardless, commit to love and care for those impacted.
- Paul…
- 1 Corinthians 7
- Stay together given Genesis 2, concession of divorce based on Genesis 3.
- Jesus…
- Matthew 19
- Divorce is not the ideal, do not separate, Genesis 2, hardened hearts lead to divorce, Genesis 3.
- Jesus’ and Paul’s strong language warns against casual abandonment, ends in adultery.
- However, legitimate conditions for divorce (abuse, neglect, adultery, etc.)
- Such situations in which a marriage has failed
- …Believer is not bound, seek peace as was noted in 1 Corinthians verse 15.
Cambell’s research on 1 Corinthians 7…
- After wise counsel and heavy consideration…
- Restoration not possible resulting in divorce
- Believer not condemned to remain single for the rest of their life
- From Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 7
- Not bound to the previous marriage
- Grace to consider remarriage
- No less consideration and counsel should be taken to consider remarriage.
- Not bound to the previous marriage
Grace Point
- We believe God extends His grace and mercy here as well.
- Just as important…
- Seek good counsel for guidance from the elder team.
- Ensure spiritually healthy plan moving forward.
Campbell quote… “While Jesus had some strong things to say about marriage and divorce, he showed no trace of judgmentalism when he encountered those who’d failed in this area, such as the Samaritan woman who had five husbands (John 4:1–26)”