Victory Over Death

November 24, 2024   /   Grace Community Church

Arvid Need 2 2-3 guys Tuesday 6:30pm

Introduction – Book of Mark – Stay on the Path – Jesus is the Example/Guide

Online Notes

  1. God’s Servant is Here
  2. What the Servant Offers You Mark 2:1-3:12
  3. The Servant, the Crowds, and the Kingdom Mark 3:13-4:34
  4. The Servant Conquers Mark 4:35-5:43
    1. Victory over Danger Mark 4:35-41
    2. Victory over Demons Mark 5:1-20
    3. Victory over Disease Mark 5:21-34
    4. Victory over Mark 5:35-43
      1. The Word of Mark 5:36
      2. The word of Mark 5:39
      3. The world of and Mark 5:41

and do not mix.

The Bible and Death::

  1. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
  2. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53
  3. Philippians 1:20-23


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