Victory Over Disease

November 17, 2024   /   Grace Community Church

  1. God’s Servant is Here
  2. What the Servant Offers You Mark 2:1-3:12
  3. The Servant, the Crowds, and the Kingdom Mark 3:13-4:34
  4. The Servant Conquers Mark 4:35-5:43
    1. Victory over Danger Mark 4:35-41
    2. Victory over Demons Mark 5:1-20
    3. Victory over Mark 5:21-34

We must upon the Lord.  Psalms 27:14

4 Elements of Faith

  1. Come into the of Jesus
  2. ourselves before Jesus
  3. Lay before Him our
  4. Have total in the power of Jesus

Jesus her faith

Because she was on Jesus.

There is a difference in with Jesus.

contact and contact.

If embarrassment is your highest , then there is your idol.

5 results of her stepping forward

  1. !
  2. Gave her a new
  3. is what healed her


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