22 Questions to Start 2022
January 2, 2022 / Pastor Kyle Bonenberger / City ChurchPERSONAL INVENTORY TIME: It’s important to occasionally stop to figure out we and we’re .
22 Questions to Start 2022.
Reflecting on my relationship with God.
When was the last time I had a with ?
On a of , how is my with God going?
How does God feel about ?
Reflecting on my actions/obedience.
- What activities help me feel most to God?.
- How might God feel about what I’ve been ?
- Are my actions producing ?
Am I something God wants me to bring into the ?
On a scale of 1-10, how am I prioritizing ?
Reflecting on my relationships.
- What am I onto that I need to of?
- Who/what am I tempted to up on that God wants me to for?
In the New Year, who does God want me to more time with?
Reflecting on my health.
On a scale of 1-10, how am I caring for my “?”
What is my plan to it, it, or it?
Reflecting on my finances.
Is my spending ?
What are my goals?
What are my goals?
Reflecting on my time.
What am I doing of that I would like to do of?
What am I of that I would like to do more of?
Reflecting on my home/space.
What goals do I have for my home and space?
What steps can I take to make my home/space better in the meantime?
Reflecting on my extra-curricular activities and hobbies.
What activities make me and feel about ?
Am I making space for ?