Life lessons about finding God’s will from Moses’ failed first shot at leading the Israelites.
Acts 7:25, John 7:1-6; Genesis 12:1-6, 15:1-16, 16-17; Psalm 15:1-5; James 5:12.
Exodus 2:11-12; Matthew 4:1-11; 1 Samuel 15:22; Proverbs 14:12; 2 Corinthians 10:3-4; James 1:20; Ephesians 4:26; Romans 12:17-21.
Acts 16:6-10; James 3:13-17; Proverbs 15:22.
Exodus 2:21-25; Romans 11:29; Revelation 12:10; 1 John 2:1-2; Jeremiah 18:1-8; 2 Peter 3:8-9.
Small Group Questions
What do you think?
What struck a chord with you from City Church’s most recent service?
The story of your life.
- Have a few group members share about a time when they really thought they heard from God and things turned out the way they thought.
- Have a few group members share about a time when they really thought they heard from God only to find out things turned out differently?
Digging deeper in God’s Word.
- In the letters Paul wrote to the churches he planted, he included a number of his prayers for the church members. From these prayers we can gain great insight into God’s will for our lives. Read Colossians 1:9-14 and Ephesians 3:16-19. Jot down what Paul prays for these Christians.
- From these prayers, what stands out to you most about how God wants us to live?
- Which of the things Paul prayed for would you most like others to pray for you to have or experience?
- God’s will often unfolds differently than we expect. One example of this is found in an interesting story in 2 Kings 5:1-15. After reading the story, answer the questions below.
- How do Naaman’s expectations of how God would heal him compare to how it actually happened?
- Why do you think Naaman was so angry at how God chose to heal him?
- What can we learn about how we and others respond to God’s will from this story?
- Part of spiritual growth is realizing that we don’t always hear perfectly from God. One of the ways we can better hear from the Lord is to involve Godly Christians in our lives. What do the following verses suggest about how this might look?
- 1 Thessalonians 2:10-12.
- Hebrews 3:13.
- James 5:16.
Personal reflection and application.
- Have everyone in the group share one thing that resonated with them from this discussion.
- Take some time to pray for one another before closing the group.