A Guilt-Free Prayer Life for the Guilt-Laden Christian
May 21, 2023 / Pastor Kyle Bonenberger / City ChurchThe Lord’s Prayer is…
| Matthew 6:9-13 | Luke 11:1-4 |
- A to rather than a of used to others.
| Matthew 6:5 |
- , , and amazingly .
| Matthew 22:37-39 |
The three elements from the Lord’s prayer that sum up the Christian life.
- Start with .
| Psalm 145:1-21 |
- my with God’s.
| Deuteronomy 6:4-9, 11:13-21, 15:37-41 | Proverbs 4:23 | John 15:1-11 |
- for God’s , , , and .
| Matthew 6:8 | Luke 12:32 | Ephesians 3:20-21 |