Boldness for Jesus Without Coming Across like a Bigot

June 5, 2022   /   Pastor Kyle Bonenberger   /   City Church

THE TEXT: Acts 4:1-31.

| Mark 1:14-15 | Matthew 28:18-20 | John 3:16, 14:6 | Romans 1:16-17 |

  • The unapologetically bold message of the Gospel: there is in else.
  • The caveat: not everyone is called to a “” degree of boldness.
  • The truth: everyone is called to it, to it out, and to others into it.

Two things to focus on before sharing the Gospel.

  • Focus on being with .
  • Focus on being with , with them, and learning their .

An ancient strategy to share your Christianity without coming across like a bigot (that still works).

  • Start with the people you know the .

| Mark 5:19 |

  • Offer to for people instead of at them.

| Psalm 107:28-30 | Matthew 21:22 | Mark 9:29 | James 5:16 |

  • Don’t pretend to know all the —> just share your .

| John 4:39-42 |

  • Invite them to “ and ” what God is doing for .

| John 1:35-51 |



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