Every calling begins and ends with .
Exodus 3:1-6; Isaiah 6:8.
Every calling has a .
Exodus 3:7-12; Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8.
Every calling needs a !
Exodus 3:13-20.
Some aspects of God’s calling sound a little at times.
Exodus 3:21-22; Proverbs 3:9-10; Malachi 3:6-11; 1 Corinthians 6:12-20.
EVERY calling is by hard .
Exodus 4:1-17; Lamentations 3:22-23; John 20:24-29; 2 Timothy 2:13; 2 Thessalonians 3:3; Hebrews 10:23.
Small Group Questions
A quick note about the schedule: Groups will not meet Thanksgiving week. Enjoy the week with your families. Groups will meet the weeks of November 29 – December 3 and also the week of December 6-10. After that, Small Groups will break until the latter part of January 2021.
ONE MORE QUICK NOTE: We will be “decking the halls” of City Church on Saturday, December 5 from 8am-2pm or so. Can you help? If so please email [email protected], sign up on the Church Center app, or send a courier pigeon in the general vicinity of the church building indicating your interest.
What do you think?
What struck a chord with you from Sunday’s service?
The story of your life.
1. The holidays bring out a variety of traditions that can also bring out an intriguing mixture of personal preferences and tastes. To celebrate our diversity, jot down your favorite and least favorite in each category during the Thanksgiving/Christmas season:
- Thanksgiving food.
- Thanksgiving Day activity.
- Christmas song.
- Christmas decoration.
- Christmas present as a child.
2. Pastor Kyle’s message was all about going back to our calling as believers. He shared how believers need both anchor truths as well as anchor moments to hold onto when life gets confusing. Have some group members share either an anchor truth or an anchor moment that reaffirms their calling.
Digging deeper.
1. Last Sunday we read the story of Moses’ calling from Exodus 3-4:17. Let’s re-read it together as a group and answer the following questions.
- Have a few group members recap the main tenets of the story.
- What does this story tell us about God/people/you?
- How might this passage help us when we are struggling with our own calling as Christians?
2. Another “calling story” passage in the Old Testament is found in Isaiah 6. Read the entire chapter together and answer the following questions.
- Have a few group members recap the key points of the story.
- What similarities and/or differences do you observe between Isaiah’s calling story and Moses’?
- How might Isaiah’s calling story encourage us as an anchor truth in our journey?
3. Finally, read the story of Jesus calling the first disciples in Luke 5:1-11 and answer the following questions.
- What differences and similarities between either the Moses or Isaiah calling stories and that of the early disciples do you notice right off the bat?
- In light of Christ’s mission, how does the role of the calling seem to shift for believers today? (Pay close attention to verses 10-11).
- What other insights about our calling as Christians can we glean from this text?
Personal reflection and application.
- Have everyone in the group share one thing that resonated with them from this discussion.
- Take some time to pray for one another before closing the group.