February 18, 2024   /   Pastor Kyle Bonenberger   /   City Church

THE GOAL: A growing/maturing Christian evidenced through…

| Ephesians 4:1-16 | John 15:1-11 | 1 Corinthians 12:12-30 | 1 Peter 3:15 |

  • the of .

  • A informed coupled with and .

  • A deepening for and to the of Christ.

  • A deepening to the of .

THE RESULT: A community transformed by the power of Christ.

| Ephesians 4:15-16 | John 4:19 | Matthew 28:18-20 | Acts 4:13-14 |

  • When you , I , and we .

  • Unconvinced outsiders hear and experience .



Small Group Questions

What do you think?

From Sunday’s message, what particular point stood out to you, challenged you, or raised a question for you?

The story of your life.

  1. What types of things/experiences come to mind when you hear the phrase “GROW UP!”?

  2. Describe a time in your life when you really felt like you were growing spiritually.

Digging deeper in God’s Word.

  1. On Sunday, Pastor Kyle talked about how one of the evidence markers of a growing/maturing Christian is a deepening love/connectedness to the Body of Christ (the Church). Jesus also once gave an amazing metaphor of what that kind of connectedness looks like the night before he died in John 15:1-11. Read it together and answer the following prompts.
    1. Have a few members of the group recap the main tenets of Jesus’ teaching here.

    2. What does this story tell us about God? God’s heart for connectedness to the Church?

  2. The ultimate goal of a Christian’s spiritual growth is that the truth of the Gospel they have experienced would be experienced/felt by others around them. Even though we obviously won’t ever model the balance of truth and love as well as Jesus, He is our model for our interactions. Read Jesus’ interaction with the famous “Woman at the Well” in John 4:1-42 and answer the following prompts.
    1. Have a few members of the group recap the main tenets of Jesus’ teaching here.

    2. What does this story tell us about God? God’s heart for outsiders?

    3. In light of Jesus’ approach to this woman, is there anything you feel the need to do differently?

  3. Finally, these verses offer a great example to pursue in terms of modeling the truth of the Gospel and God’s love. Share an insight from each one to pursue in your interactions with people.
    1. Romans 8:26-27.
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    2. Acts 4:13-14.
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    3. Colossians 4:2-6.
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Personal reflection and application.

  1. Have everyone share one thing someone else said that struck a chord with you.

  2. Break up into smaller groups to pray for one another (preferably men with men and women with women).

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