Interact Close Bible Notes Important: You will NOT lose your data entered when you change to a different tab. This note will be displayed at bottom of your sermon note when you save to pdf or email them Worship Response CardClick here to open this form. Worship Response CardClick here to open this form. Go to Worship Response Card Form Note: You will be redirected to a new browser tab to see this form. Once done, you can return to this notes page by pressing the back button on your phone. Week of May 16, 2021 Watch Watch Your browser does not support the audio element. Give Give Go to Giving Website Note: You will be redirected to a new browser tab to give. Once done, you can return to this notes page by pressing the back button on your phone. X Download Note: You will be taken to another browser tab to view this. If on phone/tablet, simply click the back button to go back to this notes page. You will not lose any notes. Connection CardOpens in new tab. Click back button to return. City Church Lessons from a Legend on How to Leave a God-sized Legacy May 16, 2021 View Archives Reveal Blanks Main Scripture Reference(s) Deuteronomy 30 Lessons from a Legend on How to Leave a God-sized Legacy May 16, 2021 / Pastor Kyle Bonenberger / Deuteronomy 30 / City Church LESSON #1: Choose to God every day and the for the rest of your . Deuteronomy 30:11-19 | 1 Corinthians 10:13 LESSON #2: Focus on over . Deuteronomy 32:48-52 | Psalm 130:3-4 LESSON #3: Always keep the for God. Deuteronomy 34:1-12 | Zechariah 13:7-9 SMALL GROUP QUESTIONS What do you think? What struck a chord with you from Sunday’s service? The story of your life. On Sunday, we looked at three lessons from the life and death of Moses. If you were preparing a Bible study on Moses’ life, what lesson(s) might you relay to folks from his life? One thing we looked at is the fact that Moses’ passion for God was visible in his life up until the very end, even at 120 years old. What helps keep your passion for God high? Digging Deeper in God’s Word. Moses had been grooming Joshua to become his successor for many years before he died. This was reaffirmed when the two of them were finally on the top of the mountain overlooking the Promised Land one last time. Joshua returned from that trip as the leader of the Israelites. Read Joshua 1:1-9 and have a few members of the group recap what happened using their own words. What does this story tell us about God? People? How might you have felt if you were Joshua following such a legendary leader? Would you tend more to “ease into the role” or just start “ripping off the Band-Aids?” Now read Joshua 1:10-17 and have a few members of the group recap what happened using their own words. What does this story tell us about God? People? The text seems to progress straight from Joshua’s assumption of leadership to preparation for battle. Does this quick transition surprise you? In your opinion, what other events made the people receptive to these swift leadership moves? How do you balance pushing forward with ensuring others are on board with you? Is this a struggle in your workplace/family/friendships? Psalm 46 gives us insight into what to do when we don’t know what to do. Read it out loud together and answer the following questions. Have everyone share one insight on how to proceed in moments of confusion from this text. In light of this, is there anything you need to do differently? Personal reflection and application. Have everyone share one thing someone else said during the discussion that stood out to them. Pray for one another. DID YOU KNOW? Double click a sentence in your note above to highlight it or add your own note below it. Send to Email Enter your email address below to receive a copy of your filled in notes Send Save PDF Locally Click to save a copy of the filled-in notes to a PDF file on your device Generate File Click to View PDF Save PDF to Google Drive Click to save a copy of the filled-in notes to a PDF file on your Google Drive account(For Apple devices, use Chrome browser or go to SETTINGS>SAFARI and uncheck BLOCK POPUPS.) Save File