Now I Would Remind You of the Gospel…
March 20, 2022 / Pastor Kyle Bonenberger / City ChurchADDRESSING A BIBLICAL ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: What’s up with 1 Corinthians 14:34-35?
- Since it is not elsewhere in the Bible and has nothing to do with , it is safe to say it was to Corinth.
THE TEXT: 1 Corinthians 15:1-11.
Four important reasons that we need frequent Gospel reminders.
- Gospel reminders help us keep the Good News .
- Gospel reminders our and our .
- Gospel reminders help us maintain our spiritual .
- Gospel reminders us on what really .
Three Gospel truths to remind myself of daily.
- The and facts of the .
- The and of how God me.
- The power of the Gospel that to be at in my life .
Small Group Questions
What Do You Think?
What struck a chord with you from Sunday’s service?
The Story of Your Life.
- At what point in your life did you feel you really understood, accepted, and started living for the Gospel? Explain.
- On Sunday, Pastor Kyle talked about the power of frequent “Gospel reminders.” What do you do to keep the message and the power of the Gospel fresh in your own life?
Digging Deeper in God’s Word.
- Since we’re talking about the Gospel, let’s take a bit to go through its main tenets. One of the simplest explanations comes from the following verses in the Book of Romans and has frequently been referred to as “The Roman Road to Salvation.” Read them one by one and then answer the questions at the end.
- Romans 3:23.
- Romans 6:23.
- Romans 5:8.
- Romans 10:9-10.
- Romans 10:13.
- Romans 12:1-2.
- Which part(s) of the Gospel are the most meaningful to you?
- Which part(s) of the Gospel are the most challenging to you?
- After Jesus ascended to Heaven, the Apostle Peter preached the first sermon in biblical recorded history. Let’s read it together and think through how it applies to a California Christian in 2022. Read Acts 2:1-41 and answer the following prompts/questions.
- Have a few members of the group recap the story using their own words.
- What does this story tell us about God?
- What does this story tell us about proclaiming the Gospel?
- Whether or not we are called to preach the message like Peter did, every believer is called to proclaim the Gospel in their own life in a winsome way. How does this look in your life? Share one example of when you were successful in it and/or one that was less successful.
Personal reflection and application.
- Have everyone share one thing someone else mentioned during the discussion that stood out to you.
- Pray for one another.