Preaching for Dummies

April 21, 2024   /   Dr. Willie Nolte   /   City Church

Pentecost — It’s Go Time

| Acts 2:16-21 | Joel 2:28-32 |


  • Christ follower is .

| Acts 2:3-4 | Joel 2:28-29 |

  • Person you meet is .

| Acts 2:5 |

You do your part.

  • Take given to you.

| Acts 2:6, 12 | 1 Peter 3:15 |

  • Just share of God.

| Acts 2:11 | Psalm 89:1 | Psalm 145:1-7 |

God will do God’s part.

  • The is working in you.

| Acts 1:8 | John 16:12-13 |

  • The Spirit .

| Acts 2:37 | John 16:8 |


| Acts 2:22-26 | 1 Corinthians 15: 3-5 |

  • Jesus was crucified for sins .

| Acts 2:23 |

  • Jesus rose from the and is .

| Acts 2:32 |

  • Jesus sits at the right hand of God as and .

| Acts 2:33-36 |

and be for response.

| Acts 2:38-39 | John 12:32 | Romans 10:9 |

Scripture references. Luke 24:25-27 | 1 Peter 2:24 | 2 Corinthians 5:21 | Romans 5:6-8 | John 1:29 | John 20:19-23 | 1 John 2:27 | 1 John 5:6 | Psalm 16:8-11, 110:1 | Revelation 19:16 | Philippians 2:9-11 |



Small Group Questions

What do you think?

From Sunday’s message, what particular point stood out to you, challenged you, or raised a question for you?

The story of your life.

  1. What is the wildest story you have heard (or experienced personally) of being able to do something that defied a person’s natural abilities?

  2. Describe a time you have felt God’s Holy Spirit help you do something you did not think you could do.

Digging deeper in God’s Word.

  1. Since we read about the giving and receiving of the Holy Spirit this past Sunday, let’s dive a little further into who the 3rd member of the Trinity is. There’s a great story in John 3 of Jesus explaining how the Holy Spirit gives life to a Jewish teacher named Nicodemus – and the poor dude wasn’t grasping it. Read John 3:1-15 and answer the following prompts.
    1. Have a few members of the group recap the story using their own words.

    2. What does this story tell us about God? How the Holy Spirit gives life? People/us?

  2. Another key work of the Holy Spirit is empowerment for ministry. What do the following verses tell us about how God’s Spirit empowers us?
    1. Hebrews 10:15-16.

    2. 1 Corinthians 12:4-11.

  3. The “fancy Bible word” sanctification simply refers to the process of becoming more like Jesus. This work is done through the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer every single day. What do the following verses tell us about how God sets us apart through the Spirit?
    1. 1 Corinthians 6:11.

    2. Titus 3:3-8.

  4. Perhaps the most powerful and personal work of the Holy Spirit is how He guides believers. How do the following verses help us understand that process?
    1. Isaiah 30:21, 58:11.

    2. John 14:26, 16:13.

    3. Acts 16:6-7.

  5. In light of all these things, is there anything you need to do differently?

Personal reflection and application.

  1. Have everyone share one thing someone else mentioned in the discussion that struck a chord with you.

  2. Pray for one another (preferably men with men and women with women if possible).

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