The Most Important Thing Jesus Prayed for You

April 23, 2023   /   Pastor Obie Obien   /   City Church

4 Tips to .

  1. over the , rather than over the .

| John 17:20-26 | Ephesians 4:2-3 | Romans 12:4–5 |

2. about what you are rather than what you are

| Romans 14:1,13, 17-19 | Hebrews 12:6 |

  1. to rather than

| 1 Thessalonians 5:11 |

  1. like .

| John 17:21 | John 13:35 | Colossians 3:12-13 | John 17:24 |




What do you think?

From Sunday’s message, what particular point stood out to you, challenged you, or raised a question for you?

The story of your life.

On Sunday, we saw Jesus’ prayer that His disciples be one and united. What is the most unifying experience you have ever been a part of?

Digging deeper.

  1. The most uniting activity Christians can do is prayer. Today we are going to look at three biblical stories about prayer as well as propositional statements made about the topic found in Scripture. The first story is found in Mark 9:14-29. Read it together and have a few members of the group recap the story using their own words.
    1. What does this text tell us about God? People? You?
    2. What unique insights about prayer are present in this story? In light of those, how might our prayer lives need to be adjusted?
  2. The second story about prayer comes from Jacob’s wrestling with God in Genesis 32:24-32. Read it together and have a few members of the group recap the story using their own words.
    1. What does this text tell us about God? People? You?
    2. What unique insights about prayer are present in this story? In light of those, how might our prayer lives need to be adjusted?
  3. The third story comes from Nehemiah 1:1-11. Read it together and have a few members of the group recap the story using their own words.
    1. What does this text tell us about God? People? You?
    2. What unique insights about prayer are present here? In light of those, how might our prayer lives need to be adjusted?
  4. What insights do the following verses provide into the topic of prayer? Discuss them one at a time.
    1. Psalm 3:4, 4:1, 6:9, 18:6, 22:4.
    2. Deuteronomy 4:29-31.
    3. 2 Chronicles 7:14.
    4. Luke 5:16.
    5. 2 Corinthians 12:8-9.

Personal reflection and application.

  1. Have everyone share one thing someone else said that stood out to them from this discussion.
  2. Pray for one another.


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