The Ultimate Mystery Gift That Keeps on Giving
February 11, 2024 / Pastor Kyle Bonenberger / City ChurchThe gospel is the ultimate mystery gift in the sense that…
- It is a .
| Ephesians 3:1-6 | 1 Corinthians 15:3-10 |
- It requires .
| Ephesians 3:3 | Hebrews 11:1 | Romans 10:8-13, 17 |
- are the target .
| Ephesians 3:6, 10-11 | Genesis 12:2-3 | Psalm 96:3 | Isaiah 49:6 |
- God and people like .
| Ephesians 3:8 | 1 Corinthians 15:9-11 | 1 Timothy 1:15 |
- Our greatest and turn into our greatest .
| Ephesians 3:1, 13 | 1 Peter 4:12-14, 19 | Romans 8:18 | 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, 11:23-12:10 |
Small Group Questions
We are so glad you are in a Small Group. Please take some time to go over the Small Group Covenant together.
What do you think?
From Sunday’s message, what particular point stood out to you, challenged you, or raised a question for you?
The story of your life.
- On Sunday, we talked about the Gospel as the ultimate mystery gift that keeps on giving. What has been the best, surprise gift you have either given or received? Tell the story.
- Have one or two people share the story of how they “unwrapped the gift” of the Gospel in 2-3 minutes (the elevator speech version). In other words, they are sharing how/where/when they met Jesus in brief terms and broad strokes.
Digging deeper in God’s Word.
- The theme of the Gospel’s target audience being outsiders came up in Sunday’s message. It’s a good reminder that this was always God’s plan (even before the New Testament era). What insight do the following verses offer into God’s heart for outsiders and how we should think/act accordingly?
- Genesis 12:1-3.
- Leviticus 19:33-34.
- Isaiah 49:6. *INTERPRETIVE INSIGHT: “Jacob and the preserved of Israel” represents God’s people.
- Isaiah 56:6-8.
- Acts 1:8.
- Revelation 7:9-12.
- Genesis 12:1-3.
- Perhaps one of the best stories in the Old Testament about God welcoming an outsider is that of the cleansing of Naaman the Syrian. Read 2 Kings 5 together and answer the following prompts.
- Have a few members of the group recap the main tenets of the story.
- What does this story tell us about God? His heart for outsiders? Us?
- Have a few members of the group recap the main tenets of the story.
- In light of all this, is there anything you need to do differently?
Personal reflection and application.
- Have everyone in the group share one thing someone else said that struck a chord with you.
- Break up into smaller groups and pray. Preferably men with men and women with women.