Turtles on a Post

November 5, 2023   /   Pastor Kyle Bonenberger   /   City Church

When you see a turtle on a post, you can be sure !

| 2 Samuel 7:18, 23:1-39 |

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Thoughts from David’s Mighty Men on success.

  • No one achieves by .

| 2 Samuel 22:1-2, 23:8-39 |

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  • Surround yourself with who are willing to with you, share God’s with you, and with you.

| Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 | Proverbs 15:22, 18:1-2 | 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 | Hebrews 10:24-25 |

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  • REMEMBER: No one’s life is a constant and chasing success can be a !

| Proverbs 15:16 | Mark 8:36 | Luke 12:13-21 | 1 Timothy 6:6-10, 17-19 |

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  • BE WISE: is the secret to .

| Deuteronomy 8:10-18 | Philippians 2:1-11 | Proverbs 20:28 |

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Small Group Questions


What do you think?

From Sunday’s message, what particular point stood out to you, challenged you, or raised a question for you?

The story of your life.

Pastor Kyle talked about how anyone who has experienced a measure of success did not get there alone – like a turtle on a post. Who are some mighty men and women of God who have helped you get to where you are?

Digging deeper in God’s Word.

  1. Jesus designed the body of Christ to succeed when we operate together. Lone rangers don’t go far in life or in ministry. Jesus designed us to work together and He designed the church to operate as a cohesive whole. 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 compares the church’s effectiveness to that of a human body. Read it together and respond to the following prompt  and questions.
    1. Have a few members of the group recap the passage in their own words.
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    2. What does this passage tell us about why we need others?

    3. In what ways does this message run against the grain of the culture of our day?

    4. Where/when have you seen 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 work well?

  2. On Sunday, we were reminded to stay humble as it is the secret sauce of longevity. One of the keys to staying humble is to remember where we’ve come from. Read Deuteronomy 8:10-18 and answer the following prompt and questions.
    1. Have a few members of the group recap the story using their own words.
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    2. What does this passage teach us about staying humble?

    3. In light of this, is there anything you need to do differently?

  3. Another key to staying humble is to be grateful. The following verses give us insight into how we can live grateful lives for all God has done and the people He has used in our lives. Read them together one by one, sharing an insight or two from each one.
    1. Psalm 103:2-5.
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    2. Psalm 118:24.
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    3. 1 Samuel 12:24.
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    4. Colossians 3:15.
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    5. 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
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Personal reflection and application.

  1. Share one thing someone else shared in this discussion that struck a chord with you.

  2. Break up into smaller groups and pray for each other (preferably men with men and women with women).

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