You Are Precious to God
November 7, 2021 / Pastor Kyle Bonenberger / City ChurchTHE TEXTS: 1 Corinthians 5:1-13, 6:9-20.
Some important disclaimers regarding sexual immorality in the Bible and in the Church.
| Acts 15:19-29 | Romans 1:28-32 | Ephesians 5:3 | Colossians 3:5 | Revelation 2:21 |
- It is usually referenced in a with a bunch of other .
- It’s still really to .
- It is entirely possible to people without of everything they do.
How to keep following God in an increasingly complex and confusing culture.
| James 1:22-25 | 1 Corinthians 6:18-19, 7:1-17 | Romans 6:1-4 |
- Follow the even when it .
- If you’re wrapped up in sexual immorality, get , get , or consider getting !
- Aim for over .
- When in doubt, REMEMBER: my is the of the Lord.
Small Group Questions
What do you think?
- What are you most looking forward to about the holidays?
- What struck a chord with you from Sunday’s service?
The story of your life.
- Which of the following statements are true of you when you need to address a heavy topic (either with yourself or with another person)?
- I need time to think.
- I just confront it and blurt it out even if it doesn’t come out right.
- I write a ridiculously long email or text message.
- What heavy topic? We’re fine.
- Heavy conversations are never fun but we know they are occasionally necessary. John 1:14 describes Jesus as being “full of grace and truth.” These two facets of Christ’s character serve as a model for us to follow in that regard. Most people naturally tend to lean more towards grace OR truth. Do you tend to lean more on the “grace” side of the coin or the “truth” side? Do you tend to apply the same standards to others that you apply to yourself?
Digging Deeper.
- On Sunday, we talked about how to keep following God in an increasingly complex and confusing culture. When it comes to our shortcomings, Pastor Kyle mentioned that we should always aim for growth over guilt. In John 4:1-42, we see a powerful conversation that Jesus had with a woman with a questionable decision-making track record. Read it together, have a few group members recap the story, and then answer the following questions.
- What does this story tell us about God/people/you?
- How might this story help us better navigate heavy conversations?
- It is no mistake that the climax of 1 Corinthians is the famous “love chapter” of the Bible. Despite the fact that Paul was a hardcore truth teller, he also knew what mattered most. Read 1 Corinthians 13:1-13, have a few group members recap the main points, and then answer the following questions.
- What does this passage tell us about God/people/you?
- How might this passage help us better navigate heavy conversations?
- The following verses all offer different insights about navigating challenging conversations. Share an insight or two from each one.
- Proverbs 25:11-13.
- Ephesians 4:15-16.
- James 3:5-12.
Personal reflection and application.
- Have everyone share one thing someone else said during the discussion that stood out to you.
- Break up into smaller groups and pray for one another.