You Must Be Born Again
February 5, 2023 / Pastor Kyle Bonenberger / City ChurchREGENERATION/BEING “BORN AGAIN” = The supernatural opening of the and by the power of the Holy Spirit a person to and God.
| John 3:1-15 | Numbers 21:4-9 | Ezekiel 36:26-27 | Jeremiah 1:5 | 1 Peter 1:3-9 |
Four things to know about being “born again.”
- Without regeneration, I am not or in need of – I am .
| Ephesians 2:1-10 | Luke 16:19-31 |
- Regeneration happens at a in time but the to get there often looks more like a time.
| John 7:51-52, 19:39-40 |
- I don’t have to regeneration to it – I have to and it.
| John 3:7-13 | 2 Corinthians 5:17 | 1 John 2:29, 3:9-10 |
- REMEMBER: “ life” wasn’t – it was “.”
| Colossians 3:1-3 |
Small Group Questions
Getting to know each other.
- Some of your groups met last week for the first time. If you already met, move to question 2. If it’s your first week…
- Have everyone go around the group and share their name, something about themselves, and how they first started coming to City Church.
- Go around the group and have everyone share one thing they’re hoping to see God accomplish in this upcoming session of Small Groups.
- Read the “Small Group Top 10 List.” You can access it by going on the Church Center App, selecting “groups,” followed by “resources.”
- Ice Breaker Questions:
- If you could travel back in time to a former historical period, which would you choose?
- What has been your favorite decade of your life?
What do you think?
From Sunday’s message, what particular point stood out to you, challenged you, or raised a question for you?
Digging deeper in God’s Word.
- On Sunday, we read Nicodemus’ story and looked at what it means to be “born again.” One of the stories referenced in the message comes from Luke 16:19-31. Read it together, have a few members of the group recap the story, and then answer the following questions.
- What does this story tell us about God? People? Being born again? You?
- In light of this, is there anything you need to do differently?
- Let’s take some time to read what the entire Bible says about the topic of spiritual regeneration/being born again. Read and discuss each of the following verses one at a time, sharing an insight on regeneration.
- John 6:44.
- Acts 16:14.
- 2 Corinthians 5:17.
- 1 John 5:1-5.
- Matthew 7:15-23.
Personal reflection and application.
- Have everyone share one thing someone else mentioned in the discussion that struck a chord with you.
- Pray for one another (preferably men with men and women with women if possible).