Welcome & Opening Prayer
Mark Spansel
Joe Keller
Congregational Singing
In Christ Alone
Build My Life
The Role of Members in the Mission of the Church
John Book
Reading of Inaugural Members & Covenanting Ceremony
Shane Critser
Hugh Jackson
Elders: A Plurality of Shepherds to Lead the Church
Will Browning
Commissioning of Elders & Prayer
Will Browning
Charge to Preach the Word
Selby Brannon
Installation fo Pastor Mark & Prayer
Redeemer Elders
Congregational Singing
Speak O Lord
A Community on Mission: Colossians 4:7-18
Christ, who alone could have accomplished the mission of the Father, chose a team to walk with in
life and ministry. How much more then, did the apostle Paul, and do we today need a community to
accomplish the mission of making disciples. The joy outweighs the mess, so jump on in!
In this text we see:
Four principles that fuel a community on mission for the Gospel …
A Community on Mission has …
1. An Ever-Enlarging Capacity for People
2. A Desire for Shared Ministry
3. An Overflowing Appreciation for One Another
4. A Single-Minded Focus & Passion
* For Spiritual Conversations – What is the biggest thing that keeps you from going deeper in
community with others?
The Lord’s Table
Encouragement from CSBC & Prayer
Pete Ramirez