Meaningful Membership Series: Gifted Members on Mission
June 9, 2024 / John Book / Redeemer ChurchCongregational Singing
Welcome & Call to Worship
Psalm 40:7-10
Congregational Singing
Lord I Need You
He Will Hold Me Fast
Kingdom Prayer
Congregational Singing
Jesus We Love You
Meaningful Membership Series: Gifted Members on Mission
Every Member a Minister
1. You are a priest (1 Peter 2:5)
2. We minister to one another by reminding each other of the grace of the gospel
3. We minister to one another by using our spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:12–20)
4. Detours to avoid
Every Member a Missionary
1. What is a Missional Church?
2. How can I live missionally?
Every Member a Disciple-Maker (Matt. 28:18-20)
1. My Circle – Imagine what the Spirit of God might do if every member of Redeemer identified 2-3 unbelieving people in their various circles where they live, work and play to pray for and seek to build a Gospel-speaking relationship with. These are people that you are already engaged with in the normal course of life. Do you see them?
My Circle: 1. 2. 3.
2. My Passions – God has created you with various passions and gifted you with various experiences. God never wastes anything in writing your story. He wants those passions to propel you into various areas of mission. Imagine what the Spirit of God might do if every member of Redeemer identified 1-2 passions that God has given you as a means for advancing the heart of God in Santa Clarita and beyond.
My Passions: 1. 2.
Responsive Singing
Jesus We Love You