Congregational Singing
How Great Thou Art
Welcome & Call to Worship
Lamentations 3:19-24
Congregational Singing
Come Thou Fount
Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me
New City Catechism
Question 18: Will God allow our disobedience and idolatry to go unpunished?
Kingdom Prayer
Kingdom: Pray for Legacy Christian Academy as they begin a new school year. Pray for the building remodeling they are doing to accommodate their high school. Pray for the unity of the administration, staff and faculty. Pray they serve their families well with joy in the Gospel.
Church: Pray for our upcoming 2024-2025 Ministry Year. Pray that the events, programs and services all point people to Christ and demonstrate the love of Jesus to all we reach. Pray for the Grand Opening to capture the vision of the church to all who attend. Pray we have an absolute blast together.
People: Pray for Holly Pacini. Pray for energy and enthusiasm as she jumps back into her job as the Trinity Athletic Director. Pray for her to patiently take one thing at a time and not allow those feelings of getting overwhelmed to creep into her head. Pray for her Gospel witness among unbelievers in her world. Pray for her heart to be refreshed by the Word as she grows in grace.
Congregational Singing
Jesus We Love You
“Where God Works: Part 2”
John 12:20-26
God works to bring spiritual life and power where there is first a death. The death of Christ frees us from the natural self-preservation that loves this life and labors to protect ourselves and our comforts. Yet it is in a daily dying that spiritual power is discovered … and where God works!
Consider the dangerous journey of avoiding death …
1. A Life Committed to Living
A desire to observe
A desire to preserve
2. A Life Committed to Dying
The death of Christ
The death of self
The fruits of death
Congregational Singing
Jesus We Love You
* For Spiritual Conversations – Where do you need to see greater death to self in your life?