Series: Enough is Enough
Message: Finding Contentment in a World of Comparison
Comparison = A consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.
John 21:20-22
Comparison is the of joy.
Comparison is the of obedience.
Comparison always leads to
Contentment is living the God has for you. John. 21:22
How can we live a content in a world that breeds comparison?
Philippians 3:4-9
Contentment comes from believing in Christ, knowing who you are in Him, obeying His Word, and following where His Spirit leads.
If you find yourself stuck in comparison, remember, , and refocus.
Psalm 73:25-26
Reflection Questions:
- Am I stuck in a pattern of comparison?
- What steps can I take to break that pattern?
- Do I believe in Christ, know who I am in Him, obey His word, and follow His Spirit?
Sunday Recap: Read Psalm 73 and meditate it on each day this week Ask the Lord to reveal times when your feet have slipped and when you have been envious of the wicked. Then ask Him to remind you of His presence in those moments and to help you see Him as the strength of your heart and your portion forever.