Series: Living the Journey
Message: How to Live an Unhurried Life
Main Text: Psalm 46:8-10, Psalm 23
The first 3 marks of a disciple us with the Father through the Son in the power of the Holy Spirit.
The last 4 position us to live on .
= move or act with great haste.
- Synonyms are rushed, abrupt, hasty, hectic, speedy, precipitous
= having a great deal to do.
- Synonyms are occupied, engaged, working, laboring
Jesus was always busy, but He was never hurried.
Big Question 1: Is hurry a byproduct of ?
Our worry leads to hurry because we don’t know that He is God.
Big Question 2: How can I the worry that leads to hurry in my life?
Big Idea: Hurry is a byproduct of worry that only stops when we God with all the !
Tap into His power:
Additional Notes:
Do this throughout the week.
- Take the 5-minute challenge!
- Choose one way to slow down each day.
- Read Psalm 23, Monday – Wednesday, and ask God to reveal to you when/where:
- He has restored your soul:
- He has led you through dark places:
- His goodness and mercy have followed you:
Read Psalm 46, Thursday – Saturday, and think about the ways in which:
- God has been a refuge for you:
- You have been able to be still and know that He is God this week:
Prayer: Lord, quiet my thoughts and still my heart. Help me to be still and know that you are God.