Jesus is the Good Shepherd
December 8, 2024 / Southwest Church of ChristWelcome to Southwest!
- Message Series: “Behold Your King” (The Identity of Jesus)
- Last Week: Jesus is our High Priest who allows us to enter God’s Presence.
Today: Jesus is the Good Shepherd.
The Sermon in One Sentence: Jesus is the Good Shepherd who guides us, protects us, and provides us with everything we need.
Main Passages: John 10:1-21; Jeremiah 21:1-6.
Shepherd & Sheep Imagery
- God is our Shepherd (e.g. Psalm 23)
- We are the Sheep (e.g. Isaiah 53:6). We need guidance, protection, and provision.
- God appointed human leaders like judges kings to shepherd Israel (1 Chronicles 17:6; 2 Kings 5:2; Jeremiah 3:15).
Israel’s Bad Shepherds:
- Israel had a lot of shepherds, but they did not have many good shepherds.
- These shepherds took advantage of the flock instead of caring for them.
- Example: David and Bathsheba.
God’s Response to Israel’s Bad Shepherds
- God sent prophets like Nathan, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel to confront the bad shepherds.
Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-6
- God will hold bad shepherds accountable.
- God will send Israel good shepherds.
- God will send the Messiah to save Israel (i.e. a Righteous King, Savior)
- God uses shepherding language to describe his Messiah (e.g. Ezekiel 34:23, Micah 5:1-4, Zechariah 9:16).
Jesus is the Good Shepherd Israel was Waiting For.
Scripture: John 10:11-21
- The Good Shepherd knows his sheep by name, loves them sacrificially, and saves them through his death and resurrection.
How Some People Responded: Jesus is Crazy! Don’t Listen to Him! (John 10:19-20)
- Ad Hominem — Ignore the message by attacking the messenger.
How Should We Respond?
- Decide if Jesus is telling the truth about his identity.
How to be a Good Sheep
Scripture: John 10:3-5
- Good Sheep Listen to His Voice
- Good Sheep Follow the Good Shepherd
- Good Sheep Run Away from Strangers (i.e. Stranger Danger)
How to be a Bad Sheep:
- Boss Your Shepherd Around
- Ignore Your Shepherd’s Voice
- Try to Go it Alone
- Wander Off with Strangers
- The Blessing: We have a Good Shepherd who loves us and guides us.
- Our Responsibility: Be a Good Sheep.
Scripture: John 10:9-10
- Jesus offers us salvation and “life to the full” when we devote our lives to him.
Study & Reflection:
- Read Psalm 23. What comes to mind when you read this description of God? If God is the shepherd, what does that make us?
- This Psalm talks about good times (quiet waters) and bad times (dark valleys). What type of season of life are you in right now? How have you felt God’s presence recently?
- According to this Psalm, what is the source of our comfort when we are faced with the valley of the shadow of death?
- If God loves us unconditionally, why do you think he allows us to face dark valleys instead of leading us around them?
- In today’s sermon passage (John 10:1-21), Jesus talks about the difference between good and bad shepherds. What are some of the biggest differences between them?
- Jesus warns his sheep not to follow strangers. What are some of the “strangers” sheep might choose to follow instead of Jesus?
- Now read 1 Peter 5:1-7. What are the two kinds of shepherds that this passage talks about? What is the difference between them?
- What are the main responsibilities for the shepherds (elders) of the church, according to this passage? What are the main responsibilities of the sheep (disciples of Jesus)?
- Application: What is one thing you feel God calling you to do differently as a result of these passages?