Welcome to Southwest!
- Last Week: Paul and Silas share the Gospel with the jailer in Philippi.
- Key Verse from the Series: Acts 1:8
1. Today’s Message: “To the Ends of the Earth” (Acts 28:16-31)
- Paul preaches under house arrest in Rome.
- Main Idea: We can be faithful witnesses of Jesus in every situation through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Scripture: Acts 28:16-22 (Paul’s Challenges)
- Paul’s Mission: Preach the Gospel all over the world — and especially to the Gentiles.
- Unfortunately, Paul’s circumstances make it almost impossible for him to do that.
- He needs some divine intervention to open doors (see Colossians 4:3).
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“When Life Gives You Lemons… Make Lemonade!”
How God Opened Doors in Acts:
- When the church was persecuted in Jerusalem, God opened a door for them to preach in Samaria.
- When the church was rejected by the Jews, God opened a door for them to preach to the Gentiles.
- When the disciples were thrown in prison, God opened a door for them to preach to the jailers (and write letters to the church).
Key Point: Nothing is impossible for God.
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Scripture: Acts 28:23-31 (Paul’s Ministry)
- The Gospel was preached with all boldness and without hindrance.
- Ironically, Luke says this even though Paul is locked up as he preaches.
How Was The Gospel Able to Go Out Despite All the Challenges the Church Faced?
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2. The Key to Their Success:
- God poured out his Spirit.
- Christians answered the call.
- Today, the Spirit is still leading the way. But are we willing to answer the call?
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3. Application:
- Pray for God to Open the Right Door.
- Be Faithful on the Mission Field Where God Has Planted You.
- Make Some Lemonade for Jesus.
Don’t Know Where to Start? Consider These Three Options:
- Children’s Ministry — Volunteer to help. Kids need at least five caring adults who are pouring into their lives.
- Youth Ministry — Info session today in the youth room, right after church, about how YOU can get involved in blessing these students.
- World Bible School — “To share Jesus with the world by motivating and equipping a global network of Christians to use interactive Bible studies effectively.”
- World Bible School Prayer Time and Info Session — This Wednesday (11/6) at 7pm in the Fellowship Hall.
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Reflection Questions:
- What do we learn about God, Jesus, or his plan for our lives?
- What does this story teach us about people?
- Was there a line from the story that seemed especially significant to you?
- What do you feel God calling you to know, believe, or do through this passage?
- What kind of mission field has God planted you in? How can you be a faithful witness in that context?
- Who is the one person that comes to your mind when you think about people in your life that need to be introduced to Jesus?
- Why is it so important for us to rely on the power of the Spirit, rather than human strength and wisdom?