Welcome to Southwest!
- Last Week: Peter preaches the Gospel to Cornelius, the first Gentile to come to faith.
- Theme: Building Bridges, not Fortresses
- Opening Scripture: Isaiah 49:5-6 (A light for the Gentiles)
1. Today’s Message: “Behind Enemy Lines” (Acts 16)
- Paul and Silas preach from a prison cell.
- Augustus Wiley — Bravery Behind Enemy Lines. Army cook who was awarded the Medal of Honor for running into enemy territory to rescue his wounded sergeant.
Growing Opposition and Danger in Acts:
- External: Persecution, Social Pressure.
- Internal: Division, Turmoil, Infighting.
- Spiritual: Satan’s Temptations
- The church needed strong disciples of Jesus who would keep pushing forward despite the opposition they were facing. Paul & Silas answered the call (Acts 16).
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2. Paul and Silas in Prison
Recap of Acts 16:
- The Spirit tells Paul to go to Macedonia (Acts 16:6-10).
- Paul and Silas share the Gospel with Lydia and her household in Philippi (Acts 16:11-15).
- Paul casts a demon out of an enslaved girl, which angers her owners. They accuse Paul of disturbing the peace (Acts 16:16-20).
Scripture: Acts 16:22-25 (Praising God in Prison)
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Scripture: Acts 16:26-28 (Chains Come Loose; Paul Saves the Jailer’s Life)
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The Story of Friedrich Lengfeld
- A German soldier in World War II who died saving the life of a wounded American soldier who was stranded on the battlefield.
- Psychology: “Hurt People Hurt People.”
- Paul and Silas: “Loved People Love People / Forgiven People Forgive People”
Scripture: Acts 16:29-34 (What Must I Do to be Saved?)
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3. Setting Captives Free:
- God frequently describes sin as something that enslaves us… and salvation as the process of being set free by Jesus.
- Acts 16:16, “Everyone’s chains came loose.”
- That’s exactly what happens when people turn to Jesus.
Question: Who is Set Free in this Story?
- Paul and Silas were set free from their prison chains.
- The slave girl was set free from her demons.
- The jailer was set free from his sins.
Key Point: God holds the power to break every chain that holds people captive.
- Past mistakes, sin, fear, doubt, the lies of the enemy.
- Most importantly, the sin that condemns us.
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4. Application:
Hebrews 9:15 — Jesus Died to Set us Free So We Can Be…
- Joyous Christians who praise God in the storms.
- Compassionate Christians who love our enemies.
- Missional Christians who tell others about Jesus.